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Hey Wonderful Humans!!

I know that I left on a cliff hanger. Sorry. But I'm here to thank each and every one of you. Thank you so much for helping TRULY REALITY reach 1.9K reads. It means a lot to me :)

I love writing, and you all encourage me to write more. I apologize for all the times that I was late to update, but do know that I love you all. I'm happy to write for all of you. And I hope you all will stick till the end of the book. 

You're Awesome! Don't let the muggles get you down!! 


Also, here is a graphic made by the amazing DoraTonksPotter . Words cannot explain how happy I was, when I got it. Love you Dora <3 
I did add your name on the top. I mean I trust you all, but did not want anyone stealing her work, just incase. 


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PS: New chapter will be published in 2-3 days. 

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