36| Don't Wanna Lose You

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"You really mean he's back?" asked Laura. She was one of the few that trusted Harry, about Voldemort coming back.

People said that Alice and Laura had the same personality. The kind gestures, and brave decisions. But what makes them different, is Laura's gullible manner.

She used to believe and trust people too easily. This caused her some problem at the start of the year, when she believed what some Slytherin student said; ending up waiting in the girls bathroom for 2 hours.

"Yes he is. But no one believes us. They will soon though." I said. If all goes as normal, Harry would give the interview to Rita Skeeter on Valentines Day.

Me and Terrance were hanging out. "And then, Fred put a couple of dungbombs and closed the door. I charmed it to stay shut for 5 minutes, and George made sure that Professor Snape was not coming. I was surprised that the Slytherins did not faint by then. It was so fun." I rambled on. 

"Bet it was." said Terrance unenthusiastically; staring off into a distance. "So... read any new interesting books?" I asked, thinking that maybe he wasn't enthusiastic about my rambling. 

"Nope. Was busy with N.E.W.Ts." He replied again in the same manner. He was not the one to stop reading. He was the one who said it himself. The N.E.W.Ts were not far, I agree; but this was so unlike him.

I sat down next to him, and placed my hand on top of his. "What's wrong Terrance?" I asked. He put his gaze down, and whispered a nothing. I slowly turned his face towards me, and made him look at me. "You can tell me. We'll find a solution." I assured him. 

"The order. That's my problem. Mum and dad are part of it, and.... The death eaters escaped from Azkaban. What if they go for my parents. I'm worried for you too. I saw a nightmare. Mum, dad and you; all in a pool of blood. Death eaters around me laughing. And I could do nothing!" He said, the build up of tears evident in his eyes. 

He knew about the order. The other members had allowed me and his parents to tell him about it. I put my arms around him, and leaned onto him. "Don't worry. They'll be careful, and so will I."

"It's you-know-who! No one is safe from him. Especially now that people don't believe he's back. Even though the Chosen One tells them he is. It's gonna be easy for him. I don't wanna wake up one day, and know that you all- died." He whispered the last word. He was shaking a bit, but he quickly wiped his tears; he acted tough.  

"Why am I even crying? I shouldn't be. I'm not that weak am I?" He started asking to himself. I held him a bit tighter. "Crying doesn't make you weak. It makes you human. It's okay to cry sometimes. I'm here for you. You know?" 

We stared off into distance. Me lightly swaying, while holding him.


January went by in a blur. New educational degrees came up. The teachers who believed Harry, secretly gave him small appreciations.

Harry often came and grumbled to me about his Occlumency lessons. Asking why I had signed him up for it. I told the same repetitive  answer, that it is needed. 

It was soon February. People were busy finding ways to ask someone for Valentines Day. Umbridge was often found patrolling the corridors, looking for students to punish. 

It was night time and I was in my dorms, reading a really interesting book that Hermione had given me. That was when Snow came in through my window with a message, tied to her talons. 


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