64| I Kissed Anne

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Today the day was going quite well. I spend the day with Luna and Neville because Anne had a busy day filled with classes, while I had many free periods. 

It was lunch and I saw a tired looking Anne coming into the Great Hall with some other Hufflepuffs who had the expression as her. She came and sat next to me in the Gryffindor table and send in a tired yet still energetic voice, "Get extra pretty and meet me at the entrance of Hogwarts at 5." 

"Why?" I asked. 

She handed me an envelope which was opened before. 

Mekenzie Sinclair

Annalise E May
Hogwarts, Scotland 

I didn't want to read the contents. "Just tell me." I said handing the envelope back. "She want's to meet me at Hogsmeade. The Three Broomsticks." She said not very enthusiastic about it. 

"So why am I coming?" I asked confused. 

"She says that she wants to amend her mistakes or shit. I know she's gonna do what she did back at the party."

"So my use is...."

"You'll be my girlfriend."

"What?!" I exclaimed. 

"Just for an hour or so... She might be a little annoying now. But she does have some respect." 

What is with all the acting? Yesterday it was Draco as Felicia and now me as Anne's girlfriend? Even though it was weird request, and it was just an act, the word 'girlfriend' left a small happiness in me that I couldn't identify. 

"So Annalise Elizabeth May. Will you be my girlfriend for a few hours?" I asked cheekily. 

"Oh I would be delighted Cassie Black-Smith." she said dramatically. 


I put on a turtleneck, jeans and shoes and tied my hair in a pony, and left the common room. Us 7th years were allowed to go to Hogsmeade on the non allotted days too (the days other than Hogsmeade Weekend). However, we were only allowed to go to the stationary shops and bookstores. 

I met Anne where she asked me to, and we started walking towards The Three Broomsticks; lying to Filch that we were going to buy some ink. I still did not like Mekenzie and even Anne removed her from her favourite list. 

We reached outside, and saw Mekenzie sitting at a table at the corner of the room, with only one chair vacant opposite to her. She was clearly only expecting Anne. "Are you sure she is here to make a move on you or something?" I asked. 

"I'm sure. Like 99.99 percent." she replied and stood more straighter. I found myself following her gesture. She opened the door and let me go first and then she followed. 

We were walking towards Mekenzie when Anne put her hand on my waist and pulled me closer. I followed with the act, and I didn't have to act that I liked it. When we reached her table, Mekenzie's face showed a tone of surprise.  "You're here?" she asked me. "Well she clearly is." replied Anne. Anne pulled out a chair from the other table and I sat down. 

"So.. why did you tell me to come here? You said you wanted to amend something and that is was important?" Anne asked, a very small tone of coldness in her voice. 

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