30| An Invite

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"Terrance!" I sighed, as I saw the familiar face. "Hey." He said sheepishly. "What is with you, and pulling me into corners?" I asked.

"So that I can do this." He said, and crashed his lips on to mine. I kissed him back, and pulled back. "I have to get going. The others will think where I have been." I said. "We'll go together?" he asked; his arms still wrapped around me. "That would've been lovely, if not for the fact, that I'm going to buy you a present." I said.

"Oi! You two. Quit snogging, and come on. Cassie, mum is waiting for us. And Walter, so are your parents, near Fortescue Ice Creams." Said Ginny.

I waved a goodbye and left with Ginny. "Wait! I need to get a book. Just give me five minutes." I said, and rushed into the book store. I got two books and walked out the shop. "Where is the rest of your stuff?" asked Ginny, as we walked towards Molly. "I asked Fred and George, to cast an extension charm on my pocket." I said.

"Good. You're here too dear." Said Molly, and we flooed back to the burrow.


I was sitting in my room, wrapping my gifts. A necklace with a moon locket on it for Luna, a Quaffle shaped earing for Ginny, A book on plants for Neville, A book on the history of laws and rights of the Wizarding World for Hermione, A book about some facts for Terrance. I also bought a book on pranks and a few prank supplies for the twins, two robes for Arthur and Molly each. I bought a book on Quidditch and a few chocolates for Harry, and Ron had the same.

I bought a few charms for Annalise, to add to her charm bracelet that she had. Each symbolizing something about our friendship or her; a plant for herbology lessons where we became friends, a waffle (her favourite food) and a badger since she is a Hufflepuff.

I was wrapping all these, when an owl pecked on my window. A barn owl. I opened the window and took the letter that was tied to his talons. It pecked my hands for treats. "Are you hungry? Wait a minute." I went over to Snow and opened her cage, taking out a bit of her treats. "Sorry snow. I don't have any more snacks in stock." It gave me a disapproving look. "Don't worry. I'll nick some from the kitchen later." I took the treat to the other owl, and it happily pecked till the last crumb. Then, it flew into the cold, yet blue sky.

The envelope had a familiar writing, and I knew exactly who send me the letter. Terrance. I opened up the envelope and took out the letter, and started reading.

 I opened up the envelope and took out the letter, and started reading

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A party! I wanted to go. But I wanted to spend Christmas with the Weasleys too. Well, you could spend the morning with the Weasleys and the rest with Terrance. But what about Mrs. Weasley? You know what? I'm gonna go. But I have to ask Molly first.

I went downstairs hoping Molly would be there. She had to go to the Burrow, to get some work done. I heard a clatter, and went to the kitchen. But instead of Molly, there was Sirius and Remus. "Hey Remus! When did you get here?" I asked, taking the seat next to him on the kitchen counter. "Just now. How have you been kido?" he asked. "I'm good. You?" I asked. "I'm good too." He said.

"Would you like some tea Cassie?" Sirius asked, as he poured a cup for Remus. "No thanks. I came to ask if Molly is here."

"She had left about 15 minutes ago. What is it?" he asked. "Nothing. Terrance invited me to a Christmas Part at his house. I wanted to ask her if I could go." I said cheerfully. "A party at his house?" Sirius asked.


"Who's gonna be there?"

"Terrance, his family, his best friend and his aunt, uncle, and cousins."

"Cassie, You-know-who's out there. A party isn't the safest right now. Don't you think?" said Remus.

"But it's a party Moony. You know how long it has been since I went outside. A party sounds awesome." Said Remus.

"Padfoot, you saw what happened at the end of last year." Said Remus.

"But it's a party Moony!" replied Sirius.

"If you-know-who gets her. We'll not know." Said Remus.

"But it's a party Moony. No one is going to get to her" said Sirius. Then he turned to me. "And if someone does get on your nerves, just let them know with your fist." He said.

"Sirius!" said Remus. "What?" he replied innocently.

"I'll just ask Molly then. This argument got us nowhere." I said.


"Molly, Terrance invited me to a Christmas Party at his house. Could I go?" I asked.

"If you really want to go, then yes. But stay safe. And come back home, if anything is wrong. Now that you-know-who is back, we can't expect where he'll turn up."

"Thank you Molly. Ya, I'll stay safe." I said, and gave her a hug. Then went upstairs.

 Then went upstairs

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