CHAPTER 6| Quidditch World Cup

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I got my Hogwarts letter the next day and Hermione arrived too. It was the same Hogwarts letter that everyone got, but instead of first year, the booklist was that of fifth year. Molly had told that we would go get our books after the World Cup. I being the only one knowing about what was going to happen during the World Cup was slightly nervous. But I did not want to make huge changes in the timeline such like this, which could result in huge meddling of time. I also did not want people to be harmed. I sat the entire day, thinking about what to do.

I was sitting on the sofa thinking of all the pros and cons of both ideas, when I felt the sofa dip on either side of me. "What's wrong?" Fred asked. "Nothing", I replied with a shrug. "Come one, we can say when something is wrong", George said. "Really, it's nothing. Come on, let's play some wizards chess", I replied. Fred and George did not push it further. We took turns to play the game; two games with Fred and two games with George. I won once with Fred and once with George. To uplift my sad mood, they made me camp in their room; testing prank products, talking about Quidditch, we all soon fell asleep.


It was finally the day of the world Cup. I woke up to Hermione calling me and shaking my shoulders. With my eyes still closed, I then woke up Ginny and we went downstairs to Molly. She was preparing breakfast. With her back still facing us, she said, "Ginny please help me here, Hermione please wake up Ron and Harry, and Cassie will wake up Fred and George." We nodded and went our respective ways.

I opened the door and sang, "Fred...George..... Wake up..." They just stirred and covered their heads with the blanket. I sighed and said again, "Wakey Wakey. Or I'll use Aguamenti.." They just slept. So I went to their drawer that was in a corner of their room, and took out an air horn. Then blared it. The two boys shot awake. "What was that for?" They asked in unison. "You should have seen your faces. I had to somehow wake you two up." I laughed and shrugged. I then continued, "Get yourselves cleaned up and then come downstairs."

I went to the room that I shared with the girls, so that I could brush my teeth and have a shower. I then changed into a slightly oversized, red and black buffalo plaid shirt and black pants. I tied my hair into a half up- half down style and went downstairs. I helped Molly pack the bags and once everyone was downstairs, we had a quick breakfast of eggs, toast and bacon (I avoided the bacon, since I don't eat it).

We then had a long walk from the Burrow and up the hill till we saw Mr. Diggory. I knew it was coming, but I still got startled when Cedric jumped down from the tree; talk about a dramatic entrance. Fred and George had just told me that morning (even though I knew it already) that they did not like Ceric Diggory because he beat Gryffindor in the previous year's Quidditch game.

Mr. Diggory then pointed to us all and asked, "All these yours Arthur?" Mr. Weasley chuckled and then replied, "All the red heads are. This is Hermione Granger and Harry Potter, Ron's two best friends. And the one next to the twins is Cassie Smith, a friend of Fred and George's. But all of them are family." I gave a grateful smile to Mr. Weasley and the conversation soon turned to Amos Diggory asking Arthur about Harry. Cedric came up to us and shook hands with Fred, George and I; then he asked, "Do you go to Hogwarts? I've never seen you around." I smiled and replied, "Yes and No. I did not go to Hogwarts, I'm gonna go this year for my fifth year." As we walked up the hill, I thought of how Cedric was gonna die in the end of this year; I had to stop it.

I did not want to stop him from going in the tournament; that was a big change in time. Cedric and Harry took the cup together because they helped each other in the previous two tasks. If Cedric did not help Harry in the second task, then he would feel indebted (since Harry helped him in the first task) and ask Harry to take the cup. And since they aren't even, Harry might take the cup; then the dark falls on the Wizarding World. I woke up from my thoughts when I heard my name being called. "Cass? CASSIE!" The twins and Ginny called. I shook my head to assure them that it was nothing. By then we had reached the top of the hill and was standing next to the boot. We all lay down on the grass and touched the shoe. I was in between Hermione and Ginny. Then I felt as if a hook somewhere behind my navel was pulling me and we were going in a circular motion. Mr. Weasley told us to let go and I fell down from the sky. Several groans of pain were heard. Ginny got up and gave me a hand and then I helped Hermione up.

Fred and George (who were still on the ground) gave me a hand each to pull them up. But just as I caught their hand, they pulled me to ground and they got up. I huffed and they gave me a hand to get up. But I pulled them down and got up; just gave them a taste of their own medicine. And walked away with a smug grin.

They followed behind and we soon reached the muggle man, who we should pay. I then realized the horrible fate they would face that day. I helped Mr. Weasley to pay and then we went to the area to pitch up the tent. Mr. Weasley insisted that we set up the tent in the muggle way so as to not draw attention towards ourselves. It took me, Harry and Hermione almost an hour to pitch up the tent; Hermione was the only one who had a clue on what to do. Harry and I had never went camping before or set up a tent. Then we all went inside the tent. It looked so much more magical than explained in the books or movies.

I and the girls went to the room in the corner so that we could put our bags there. I vaguely heard Fred and George saying their iconic 'Feet of the table' line from the movies. Later on in the evening we all went towards the stadium. There was hustle and bustle everywhere. We pushed through the crowds and were climbing up to the top most stands. Ron asked, "Blimey, Dad! How far up are we?" "Well, put it this way. If it rains, you'll be the first to know." Lucius Malfoy said. Draco continued on by boasting on how Cornelius Fudge had invited them into the top box. Lucius has a, what seemed like, a staring contest with Harry.

I supported Ireland because Fred and George were explaining how the different teams had played and I felt that their game statistics were good. Also the seeker is not the only person on which the victory depends on (I also know that Ireland wins, and I wanted to make fun of Harold and Ron later on).

Ludo Bagman started announcing the teams and players. Veelas entered the stadium and started their performance. I had to pull Fred and George into their seats and then help Hermione to stop Harry from jumping over the railing and Ron to sit in his seat. "Get a grip on yourselves." I said to them. "You guys are not as light as you seem; too strong." I continued. The game started and Ireland won. We went back to the tent after I bought a souvenir. In all the excitement I had forgotten about the attack. We made fun of Ron's obsession with Victor Krum, and we were in an overall jolly mood. And then I heard it; the loud screams and the bangs. Mr. Weasley hurried into the tent and told us to get out and hide in a safe place.

"Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility", he said. He also added to take care of me. I held hands with Ginny and one of the twins. We were walking through the horrific scene; they was a stampede of people and sickening screams of children and parents. As we pushed through the crowd I got separated from the Weasleys. I was still being pushed and heaved by people. A man passed by me and I fell down after tripping over a rock. I could not see anyone that I knew, near me. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and someone pulling me up.  

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