72| The Mysterious Savior

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Just a head's up that this chapter switches between Cassie and the rest of them in Annalise's house and stuff. 


"It's been long. Why isn't she back?" Sirius paced around the house. 

"She's with Dumbledore, probably something important." Remus assured him. 

Minutes passed by, but Cassie didn't return. Anne and Remus getting worried, sent a Patronus to Dumbledore, but there was no reply.  

Where was she?


"Let me go." Cassie sneered, as a binding spell was cast on her. A maniacal laughter filled the room. The person who was acting as Dumbledore, took a step back; as if scared. 

"Oh dear..." Bellatrix drawled and cast a Cruciatus. Cassie writhed on the ground, her screams enveloped the room. As if music to their ears, the death eaters stood and watched. "You filthy mudblood!" Bellatrix roared. "Tell us everything!" she stopped the curse. 

She kneeled next to the panting Cassie. "Tell us how to defeat him. How to defeat Potter." she said; her face mere 1 inch apart from Cassie. She shook her head, which was not accepted by Bellatrix. 

A few curses more, but Cassie wouldn't budge. "Some use you should be." One death eater said. 

"Why don't you activate the spell Lestrange? Fully bind her to the dark magic?" Another one asked. 

"I need someone for that. The one who cast the spell in the first place." 

"Call them then!"

"I cannot! Not now. She won't come here now." Bellatrix said. 

"Did you just say 'she'?"

"Why? Can't it be a 'she' Dolohov?" Bellatrix asked scarily. "Of course ofcourse." 

"Why the mockery?!" Bellatrix roared. 

"Can I have her now Lestrange?" Greyback stared maliciously at Cassie. "No not now. Maybe later. For now, Dolohov."

A smile appeared on Antonin Dolohov's face, as everyone except Greyback and Bellatrix left from the room. He raised his wand. "Don't kill her yet." Bellatrix warned. Dolohov sent a streak of purple light to Cassie. 

She hissed in pain, as she didn't know what to do. Wandless and weak, there was nothing she could do. 

Belltrix and Dolohov left the room, but the third person remained where he stood. His hungry eyes stared at Cassie, who was sobbing on the ground. 

He paced towards her and with one swift motion, picked her up and slammed her to the wall. "Let me go you monster!" Cassie squealed and kicked. Greyback lifted his hand up, about to strike Cassie when somebody said from the other side. "Didn't Aunt Bella tell you to leave her alone?" 

"What are you going to do about it? Tell your father?"

"I think Aunt Bella and the Dark Lord would do good with the information."

As if mentioning Voldemort had turned off a switch inside of him, Greyback let go of Cassie and walked out the door. Draco's eyes followed Greyback, until he had left and slammed the cellar door behind him.  

Draco loosened up and rushed towards Cassie. "Are you okay?" he asked placing a hand on Cassie's shoulder. 

"Ya think?" she asked. 

"I'll help you escape tonight. Do you think you'll be fine till then?"

Cassie nodded. 


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