31| Meetings And Parties

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It was 9 at night. I was sitting on my bed, reading a book that Hermione had given me. There was a knock on the door. "Come in." I said, in a sing-song voice. "Cassie dear, the order members are downstairs. They want to speak to you." Said Molly, and I nodded in response.

I went downstairs to the hall, where we used to have the order meetings. In there was Molly, Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Walker, Sirius, Tonks, Remus, Moody and Snape. "Hey Everyone!" I said. There was a chorus of hellos. "We want to know what to do ahead. What should the order do?" asked Moody.

"I don't really know. It was never mentioned what the order did at the time. Just ignore the fact that Dumbledore is missing, and go on for a few months." I said.

"What do you mean by ignore the fact?" asked Moody. "The thing is, Dumbledore left earlier than he should have. I coming here is meddling enough. The Dumbledore's Army got caught earlier than it should have. Dumbledore left earlier than he should have." I said.

"So Arthur getting attacked is a consequence?" asked Mr. Walker.

"No. He does anyway. But Dumbledore was there at the time. I just did what he would do. I got late though. I had to ask Professor Snape to distract Umbridge." I said.

"Now that Albus isn't here. We have to do things on our own. Is there something we should look forward to this year?" asked Moody.

"I can't tell you the future." I said. "But there are some things to be done. First, we will be dropped to Hogwarts through the Knight Bus. A few order members will accompany us." The others nodded in response.

I then looked at Snape "Professor, you will be giving occlumency lessons to Harry." This followed by a what, from Sirius and Snape. "It is necessary. It was Dumbledore's orders. And now that he is not here to tell you that, I am." I said.

"But why him? Why not someone else teach Harry?" asked Sirius.

"Who else then? Dumbledore? Well he isn't here. Then there is Bellatrix, as far as I know. I don't think she is very keen in teaching Harry." I said.

The meeting went on. Moody said something about needing a spy to be stationed at some place (which I cannot remember), thus we met a new person named Christopher. He had already finished Hogwarts a few years back. He was about 5 feet tall, and had hazel brown eyes and hair of almost the same colour.

After the meeting, I went back to bed. My head hitting the soft pillow and my mind immediately calm; drifting off to sleep.


"Fred! George!" I screamed, as the two red heads apparated to different spots in the kitchen. "What's all this shouting about?" asked Molly, as she cooked food with the swish of her wand. "Oh My! What happened to your hair?" asked Molly. "Ya Cass. It is Christmas alright-" said Fred. "But don't you think, that is a bit too much Christmas Spirit?" asked George.

"I look like a freaking Christmas merchandise." I said. "When will this come off?" I asked and the twins shrugged. It was Christmas morning, and I had taken a shower. The twins had somehow; spelled my hair products to make it red, and then they added streaks of green to it.

"I have a party to go to at 3! Why do you always spell my hair?" I asked. "You love your hair. And it's easier, seeing that you're now suspicious of anything we give you." Said Fred.

"Don't worry dear. I'll magic it back for you." Said Molly, and swished her wand. It made my hair back to black. "Thank you Molly." I said, and went over to the Christmas tree, with everyone.

"Present time!" said Ginny, and took a place next to me. I opened my gifts; slowly sipping on some hot coco that Molly had made. I got a small necklace from Terrance, a book from Hermione, chocolate from Ron and Harry, a few prank stuff from Fred, George and Ginny. I also got a book on some plant that looked interesting from Neville, a painting from Luna (she was getting really good at it).

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