CHAPTER 12| The Yule Ball

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I decided that this Hogsmede weekend I would go buy a dress. I gathered all the money I had, and headed to Hogsmede. Something not many knew about was that if you were to walk and hour from Hogsmede, you would reach a small muggle town. Thus, I grabbed a toast from the Great Hall and walked towards the town. A thrift store caught my attention. I did not have much money since working in a café just for the summer cannot make a person rich.

I got in and searched through dresses. I saw a simple dark blue lace gown that reminded me of the one I have at home (the future home) just for 10 pounds and a pair of back heels for the same price. I then went to another shop and got a pair of earrings for 2 pounds and headed back to Hogsmede.

It was about 1 o'clock when I reached back to Hogwarts. The shopping bags still in hand, I went up to the gryffindor common room. The castle was almost empty due to majority of the students being in Hogsmede or sleeping in. "There you are!" Hermione and Ginny said as I entered through the portrait hole. Hermione asked, "Where were you? We looked through the whole castle for you." I showed lifted the bags in my arms to show them that I was outside. "Dress for the ball I assume?" said Hermione. "Yup. And before you ask Ginny, nope I won't show it you now. It's a surprise. I mean it's not so extravagant or anything, just to keep the curious juices flowing."


"Hey there Cass. You're friends with Luna right?" asked Neville I was reading in the Library. "Hi Nev. Yes, why?"

"I-I wanted to ask her to the Yule Ball. I wanted to know what she likes."

"Well... She likes people who are themselves. She likes talking about nargles and other creatures. And also astronomy."

"Thanks you. I'll be right back."


Later that day, me and Luna were sitting under the black lake. Fred and George had just left and Luna had just arrived. "Who's your date to the Yule Ball?" asked Luna. "No one's asked me yet. And I don't mind." I said with a shrug. "You going with Neville?" I asked her. "Neville? No. I'm going with a group of Ravenclaws. They are all 4th years and so I can join."

"So Neville did not ask you to the ball?"

"He came to me and asked if I could help in in astronomy. That was it. Why'd you ask?"

"No reason. I have to get going though. I told Hermione that I would join her for a S.P.E.W meeting."

"Who all will be there?"

"Just me, Harry, Ron and Hermione."


"Neville? You did not ask Luna did you." I asked Neville who was sitting on one of the armchairs near the fire in the common room. After a long S.P.E.W meeting and a lot of bickering from Ron and Hermione, a talk with someone was something I needed. Neville put his book down, "No. I got nervous and ended up" "Asking her help for astronomy." We said in unison. "It's fine Nev. I have plan. You'll get to dance and spent time with Luna at the ball." I said to which Neville replied, "But I already asked Ginny. Won't she be upset?" "She'll understand. I'll be there with her."


"Hey there Cassie." said someone from behind me; a guy with black hair, light brown eyes, a sixth year from Raven claw. I saw him around Hogwarts and he was pretty nice, so when at this moment he asked me to the Yule Ball, I said yes. Why did I say yes? Well... I still don't know.

"You still going alone to the Yule ball?" asked Fred as he stacked his card on the tower of Exploding Snaps that we were making. "Nope", I said. "Who is it?" the twins and Ginny (where did she come from?) asked in unison. "Terrance Walter", I said with a shrug.

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