CHAPTER 21| Pranks

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"Are you excited for classes?" asked Laura as she checked herself in the mirror. "Yes. Except for DADA." I said, leaning on the doorframe of our room; waiting for Laura. We had first period DADA with the Hufflepuffs. We all entered the class and took our places. Umbridge entered the class and gave her annoying laugh and went over the lesson plan. She then asked each of us, to tell our names.

"Cassie Smith." I said. "So you're the one, who is spreading the lies." Said Umbridge.

"What lies?"

"The lies that a certain dark wizard is back."

"One must not tell lies professor."

"Yes. You're right. And you'll do good if you follow that."

"But she witnessed it. She got attacked professor." Said Laura.

"You'll raise hands when you speak. And all of you will do well in not believing Ms. Smith's lies."

"But-" Laura started but I stopped her by placing a hand on hers and shaking my head subtly. I knew that she believed me, but I did not want her to get in trouble.


"Ready for the prank?" asked Fred. It had been two weeks since the term started, and a few days since Umbridge became High Inquisitor. The school wanted to kick her out, but we could do nothing. So that is how I and the twins came up with a brilliant idea to make Umbridge fed up of Hogwarts. It starts with a distraction (fireworks in the sixth floor), and we sneak into her office. We use a spell to make it navy blue and black themed. Then, turn the cat plate things into dogs instead. Then we would run. The distraction would last about 10 minutes, the time we would take to finish up and run or so we thought.

We were done and running down the halls to our Common Room. Fred and George went another way in order to clean up the fireworks. I was running back to the Common Room, when someone grabbed me by the collar.

Umbridge dragged me to her office. She gasped for a minute, and then swished her wand; the office was back to its sickly atmosphere. "You broke several school rules. Do you know that?" she said. Of course I know it. "You were out of bed after curfew, destroyed school property, and went against discipline. You also spread the rumours of you-know-whos return. Just like Potter. There is only one way we can fix this." She took out the quill, and I knew exactly what would happen.

She gave me some parchment, and then asked me to write I must be obedient. I put the tip of the quill onto the parchment and drew the line for 'I'. The back of my left hand tickled a bit, but nothing else. I wrote the next word, when I felt it; a prickling at the back of my hand. I continued to write the sentence for 2 hours. I felt my eyes fill with tears due to pain, but I bit my lip and continued to write. Umbridge then took my hand and checked the carved words. She gave a smile of content. "I hope this taught you a lesson." She said and I left her office.

I did not want to do it then. I did not want to give her the satisfaction. I went to the washroom, and washed my face. Blew at my hand to stop the burning. It worked; kind of. I put my left hand in the pocket of my jeans, and walked to the common room. It was now 1 am in the morning.

"Where were you?" asked Fred. "We went back and looked for you. You weren't anywhere." Said George. "I um... hid in the washroom. Umbridge followed." I said. The twins looked skeptical about my answer. I then went to my dorm.

I slowly went to the washroom and opened a first aid kit. We had one, just in case of emergency; it had a few bandages and a potion for mild headaches and coughs and stuff like that.

I wrapped up my hand a little, so as to not expose the cut. If someone asked, I could just make up a lie. I fell down?


The next day was a weekend. And weekends mean sleeping in. The entire Hogwarts castle woke up only after lunch. I had woken up by 9 and went for breakfast. I sat with Terrance at the Ravenclaw table; talking with some of his friends and also Luna, who came and sat next to me. "So is it true that You-Know-Whos back?" one of the boys asked me. I turned away from my conversation with Luna and said, "If you want to believe it, then believe it. But you'll see the truth one day."

Terrance gave a look to his friends to stop the Voldemort questioning and placed his hand on top of mine, which was on top of the bench. Unfortunately it was my left hand. Terrance gave me a look of worry and I just gave a small smile. We were done with breakfast and headed outside.

I and Terrance went to my favourite place in the castle; near the black lake. We sat under the tree and looked into the view ahead of us. The calm sky showing complete irony to the current situation with Voldemort.

"What happened to your hand?" he asked. "It's nothing to worry about." I said.

"Of course it is. Your whole hand is wrapped."

"I just fell."

"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Fine. I, Fred and George decided to prank Umbridge. While we were running back to our Common Room, I got caught. The twins didn't cause' they were going a different way. And I got punishment from the pink toad."

"And they din't get caught?"

"Nope. They were in a different way remember."

"What did she do?"

"Well.. She has a quill. A blood quill. It writes with your blood."

"You have to tell someone."

"This is from the Ministry. Do you really think Hogwarts can control what the ministry does?"

"No. You should have just kept quiet. It's not worth it to keep getting hurt for something you can't change. I'm not questioning your ability; you're smart, kind, beautiful and everything. But just don't go against Umbridge. That's what's smart. I don't want you to get hurt like this."

"If all were to keep quiet doing injustice, do you think the world would have changed for the better?" 



Terribly sorry for the long wait. I want the chapters for Truly Reality to be a bit big and not very short. It takes time and that is something that is hard to find for me now a days. With school, extra classes, and studying, I've been writing this chapter for almost a week now. 

Till then, I'll be updating Dear Chosen One, since it is has smaller chapters.

Thank you for the comments, votes and support you've all given me through out. I wish you a good day.❤

Adios Amigos!!

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