43| A Dark Attack

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Me and Terrance were currently in a library in Diagon Alley. After begging with Molly for half an hour, and assuring her that we would be safe, she let us go. On the way, we had also been tasked to pick up Harry from Privet Drive.

There were a ton of books to choose from. I chose one book for Hermione (the one she had wanted to read for quite some time now) since she would also arrive today. Now that I think of it, she must've already arrived. 

We stayed there for an hour, and finally Terrance got a bunch of books. We used his library card and then exited the library. We decided to stay there for some more time. But not many of the shops were open. Fred and George were still at the burrow. They would only return back to WWW by evening. And many of the other shops weren't open. 

We went to a candy store, and brought a bunch of chocolates and stuff, because I'm in love with those. We were then walking down the alley. I was talking something to Terrance who was behind me. But I turned back, when I did not get a reply to a question I had asked. Terrance wasn't there. I swear we walked together.

I went back, thinking that maybe he took a wrong turn. "Terrance?" I called out. But a few heads of random strangers turning to look at me, was the only reply. I went to every nook and corner, but couldn't really find him.

Where could he be? He was 17 for Godric's sake. How could he get lost? Such moments, I really wished that wizards had mobile phones. I couldn't really go back without him, so I decided to go back were I last saw him; a proper landmark kind of place. The candy store.

I was walking back the alley way, when a lady who was covered in a black cloak approached me. Her head and eyes were covered with the hood, and the shadow of it, covered the rest of her face. 

"Oh... young girl. What are you doing in this alley way all alone?" she asked. Her accent sounded posh, like a higher class woman. But her voice was shaky at the same time; indicating that she was old. 

"Umm... Just exploring." I lied. 


"Sorry?" I asked. How the heck did she know my name?!

"Snitch. Do you want a golden snitch? For Potter perhaps." she asked. Coming closer. 

I backed off slowly. "No thanks. And how do you know if I'm related to Potter?"

"Oh I know everything. Want to see your future perhaps?" she asked. Coming even closer. It was not a wide alleyway and thus I had reached the end of it. My heart was beating fast, I was scared, and I felt that I might puke. Not only because of fear, but also due to the awful smelling strong perfume that the woman wore. 

"I know my future. Do you want to know yours?" I asked, drawing out my wand discreetly. 

"What is it?" she asked, drawing out her wand. I was definitely not discreet. 

"Defo not attacked!" I said, and cast a body binding spell. Guess I have to work on my non-verbal spells, because the spell did not fully work. She could still move a bit. I kicked the wand which she had dropped, and ran from there. 

But I did not run far, before 3 dark figures appeared out of no where in front of me. "Cassie Smith. Oh how the dark lord will be joyed to have you. And your secrets." he said. 

A series of spells shot here and there. They were death eaters for sure. Two of them had their masks on, while the other didn't. I was not the best in attacks. And it was kinda hard to think of new spells, when you are in the stress of surviving. I managed to knock the two with mask down, with some random spell. The other person managed to disarm me, but his wand also fell down. 

TRULY REALITY [A Harry Potter Fanfiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora