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"Hey Cass!" said Hermione as she came and sat next to me in the Common Room. I looked up from my potions homework, and said a 'Hi' back. "So we were just thinking. As in Harry, Ron and I, that we would start a secret defence group. We'll be learning spells and Harry will teach/ head us." She said in a small voice.

"Sure. I'm in." I said. "Great. Could you inform the Ravenclaws?" She asked. "Sure." I replied.


"So you're saying Potter will be leading it?" Terrance asked me. "Yup. He's great. Would you join?" I asked. "Sure." He replied, gave me a quick kiss and walked away for his next class. I then informed Luna and I ran to my next class.

We had charms period. We were doing our spells, with Umbridge staring at us. Professor Flitchwick was correcting the wand movement of a student, when Umbridge did something very offending. She took out a tape measure and measured Professor's height!

Does this woman even know manners. You could see the anger and offending look in Flitchwick's eyes; yet he continued with the class. After class, we all rushed out and people talked in hushed whispers about Charms class.

I then ran all the way to the grounds for Care of Magical Creatures.

"Today we'll be learnin' abou' thestrels." Said Hagrid. 2 thestrels stepped out from the dark. Everyone looked confused. "Now who can see them?" asked Hagrid. I and a Hufflepuff raised their hands. When students where even more confused, Hagrid asked if anyone knew why only two of us could see them. "People who saw someone die can only see thestrels." I said. "Aren't they a bad omen?" asked a boy from hufflepuff. "It was there in one of the Divination books." He added awkwardly when everyone turned to look at them. "No. They're not. It's just because of the death stuff." The class proceeded wonderfully. Except when one of the thestrels went and tried eating one of the hufflepuff girl's hair.

Annalise Elizabeth May was a muggle born hufflepuff. She was really pretty to be honest. She had blonde hair and green eyes. I sat wither during our herbology class ones, and she was really nice. Charms were her strength though.


I was studying in the common room when Neville came to me. "Hey Cass. Have you seen Harry , Hermione or Ron?"

"Hey Nev. No I haven't. Wait! Ron's somewhere in the common room hiding, cause' Hermione was trying to force him into the library. Something about S.P.E.W." I said. I then put my quill down and took a cushion near me. I then threw it to the armchair nearby. "Ouch!" said a voice and appeared Ron; A chip/crisp still in his mouth. "How did you find me?" He asked.

I shook my head, "The invisibility cloak was a great idea. But you might wanna have to turn down the chewing a bit."

"Hey Ron. Do you know where Harry is?" asked Neville. "Yes. Why?" asked Ron.

"I and Luna just found a place for the secret group."


"This way", said Neville, as he and Luna leaded the group (The golden trio and me) to the Room of Requirements. "We were just walking past here. And while we discussed about Harry's group, this door just appeared." Explained Luna in her dreamy voice.

"It's brilliant Neville and Luna! When shall we start?" asked Harry.


The next day we all gathered in the room of requirements. I stood in a corner with Fred and George, as we waited for the rest to join in.

We then after an introduction, choosing of name and leader started with the disarming spell. The DA was a huge success. Students were happy as they left; except for maybe Zachrias Smith. (I also had to correct some students who thought we were related in some way).


I was in my dorm when I realized that I did not know the dates of many events that were going to happen. I lay in bed, trying to think and recollect as much as I can. My vision blurred due to tears after a while; these people meant a lot more to me now. They were family. 



Hey Amigos!!!

Sorry for the late update and short chapter. I've been busy, but was determined to write the chapter. 

Stay Safe! Stay Happy!!


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