CHAPTER 24| Fuming With Rage

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It was the day for the Quidditch match; Gryffindor versus Slytherin. Harry and the Twins had gotten ready for the match; their Red and Gold jerseys shining a bit as the sun's rays hit them.

I pulled the three of them to a corner and said, "Whatever the slytherins say, don't lose your cool. Just ignore them. K?" They nodded with a questioning look.

The game was not that good. Ron kept loosing points, and the slytherins sung the chant 'Weasley Is Our King'. Not even the chorus of motivating cheers could overpower their noise. The game ended with Gryffindors win.

I saw Malfoy talking to Harry and the Weasleys. The arrogance of Malfoy and the fuming of the others, visible even from the distance. "Excuse me. I have to go." I said to Terrance, as I got up from the stands and walked towards the chaos. I could hear Terrance following me.

"Spend the holidays there and everything, don't you? Can't see how you stand the stink, but I supposed when you've been dragged up by Muggles even the Weasley's hovel smells okay--" said Malfoy.

Harry grabbed a hold of George; meanwhile it was taking the combined efforts of Angelina, Alicia, and Katie to stop Fred leaping on Malfoy, who was laughing openly. Harry looked around for Madam Hooch, but she was still berating Crabbe for his illegal Bludger attack.

"Or perhaps," said Malfoy, leering as he backed away, "you can remember what your mother's house stank like, Potter and Weasley's pigsty reminds you of it--" Malfoy continued.

George and Harry were about to leap onto Malfoy when I reached them, and pushed them back. "You're one to talk Malfoy!" I said. I was fuming with anger and I did not even know it. The Weasleys were my family now, any insults to them is an insult to me. "Oh hey there Smith. You live with Weasleys don't you? Guess someone like you also wouldn't mind that house. How can you even call that ugly place a home?" said Malfoy in a mocking voice.

"Did you ever know the warmth of a home? The welcoming scent of cinnamon that enters your nose when you enter the Burrow? The love of a family? We may not have all the money in the world or the biggest house; but we have love. Love can prevent one from harming themselves, love can teach one to love others, and love makes you feel safe. You can come and make fun of us, when you have achieved this too." I said, Terrance keeping a hold on one of my arms, so that I don't go punch Malfoy. Terrance too looked like he wanted to punch him.

Malfoy said, "What would you know about my life? You're just a filthy mudbood." I went closer to him and got hold on his robe and said in a low voice, "I know far lot more than you think Malfoy."

Just as I finished, a spell broke us apart; falling about 4 feet apart. There stood Umbridge in all her pink glory. "Tsk.Tsk. What do we have here?" She said in her sickly high pitched voice. "Mr. Malfoy, please leave. Ms. Smith your behavior is getting out of hand. Perhaps a detention for you, Mr. Potter and the Weasley twins?" she said.

"They din't even do anything!" I said. "Fine then. Ms. Smith, detention for you. Now." She said and walked away before anyone could protest. "Why'd you have to do that?" asked Fred and George. I just shrugged with a small smile that did not reach my eyes.

"You're just hurting yourself for no reason." Said Harry. "Well I technically did fight with words." I reasoned.

"But we would have punched him if we were not held back. We would've been more violent." Said Fred. "If you weren't held back. I did it. It's fine. Move one. I'll meet you guys later." I said and walked away.

I felt someone grab my hand and turn me around. "Why do you always take the blame for them? Last time for a prank and now this?" Terrance said. I held his hand in mine and said, "They're my family. And family is always there for family. And I did do something; they did not. More like I did not let them. I'll be fine." I said.

He gave me a disapproving look, but still nodded and dropped me of near Umbridge's office. He gave me a quick kiss on the head and walked away. Turning back once again before turning the corner .

I opened the door and it felt like a joke. Dumbledore's office that now she used, looked all pink. It looked like someone went overboard with the decorations on Valentine's Day. Except that there was no red or hearts.

"Ms. Smith. Come in. You know what you'll be doing." She handed me the blood quill and I sat down. "I would've only given you some punishment. But you attacked a member of the Inquisitorial Squad.Thus you shall have to write lines and have the punishment."

"What's the punishment?"

"You'll be my assistant."


"You'll help me. I know that you certainly don't like that. But you'll be helping me."

"As in I complement you that you look pretty. And punish students for no reason?"

"I will not accept that tone in front of me. You shall treat me with respect."

"What if I don't agree?"

"You have to."

"How long is this punishment?"

"A week will do."

I nodded and went on writing with the quill for an hour and then she let me go. I guess it was the bottled up anger; the writing was much deeper because I had unknowingly pressed the quill too hard on the parchment.

My hands were prickling but not hurting as much, because of all the time I have written on the same scar over and over again, I think there is some nerve damage or something.

I turned the corner when I saw him. Terrance was sitting on the floor. "Terrance?" I asked. "Oh hey. I was waiting." He said and took my hand which was now hurting a bit due to the small chilly winter wind. He had a look of worry in his eyes and led me to the Gryffindor Common Room. "Just be safe for once." He said and gave a kiss on my lips. "No promises." I said as I entered the common room.

All the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione and Laura were sitting in the common room. They asked me questions and I answered. There face twisted into pity and horror (?), when I told them about my punishment.

Later they all went to sleep except for the twins. "What would've happened?" asked Fred. "Hm?' I asked turning my face towards them. " What would've actually happened? In the old timeline?" said George. "George and Harry leaps towards Malfoy and punches him. Fred was held back by Katie and Angelina. And then Umbridge comes and bans you guys and Harry from playing Quidditch. You're brooms are confiscated and chained up." I said.

"Well that's fine. No one had to get hurt." Said George. "Except Malfoy." Added Fred.

"It's fine. Tomorrow is gonna be the best day of my life; I mean everyone wants to be Umbridge's assistant right?" I said sarcastically.

Tomorrow was gonna be the worst day of my life.  

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