"Who is this 'Wolf Spider'?" Tony was still skeptical of Fury's words.

"Wolf Spider comes from a world where the words of his uncle did not turn the man under the mask into a hero. They turned him into a villain. He scoffed at his uncle's words and instead of taking them to heart and becoming New York's most loved vigilante Spider-Man became the villain. Under the alias Wolf Spider. That Spider-Man stands for the opposite of every other Spider-Man. That is Wolf Spider. He is the worst version of the purest person I know."

Apparently, Fury hadn't turned his comms off, "Oh, I didn't know you cared Nick. I'm flattered," Spidey's voice floated through.

"Get back to work or I will have you on cleaning duty for a month," Fury threatened. Snickers were heard through the comms.

"Sir, yes sir," Spidey said. Fury made sure the comms were turned off this time before rounding once again on Tony.

"Do you know who Spider-Man is under the mask?" he asked.

Tony shook his head.

"Good because you hopefully won't be finding out soon."

"Once again the Spider-Menace is at it again. Destroying New York property in a plan with his compatriots," the voice of JJJ was heard as a TV extended from the ceiling. Fury groaned as he heard the voice. On the screen live footage showed Spider-Man, the variants, the Web Warriors, and the Ultimates trying to fight Wolf Spider, "No doubt this is another ploy in playing superhero by this masked menace," JJJ finished.

Suddenly it zoomed in as not one, not two, not three, but four Spider-Men fell. Spider Noir was out as were Blood Spider, Spider-Ham, and Ghost Spider. A few of the Web Warriors were knocked out too. Iron Spider's suit was out of commission and Kid Arachnid had been caught by one of Wolf Spider's many arms. Venom was still fighting but he was tiring. Scarlet Spider was faring better and looked like he was about to drop. Spider-Man on the other hand was trying to hold up part of a falling building while continuously shooting webs at Wolf Spider's arms so he couldn't move.

The Ultimates were faring better. Power Man had managed to get civilians out of the falling building's fall zone and into a safe space. Spider-Man carefully lowered the building with the help of his webs and gave a grateful sigh as he better joined the fight.

Power Man was one of the heavy hitters so he was going after Wolf Spider in places that would be easier to break. One spider arm looked bent out of place and possibly broken.

White Tiger had managed to create a gash on Wolf Spider with a lucky strike but had been hit back with equal force and was still recovering. Spider-Man whispered something to her and she resisted for a second but nodded. Slowly she sat down and made sure nothing was broken. It seemed as if Spider-Man had told her to stay down for a while.

Iron Fist and Nova had teamed up and were using a strike and retreat method.

"You cowards. Why do you strike and retreat when you can face me like men?" Wolf Spider growled.

"Because you aren't a man," Spider-Man grunted as he swung into Wolf Spider, "You are more spider than human at this point and you let your instincts rule you instead of doing what is right."

"I am the superior Peter Parker," Wolf Spider spat as he held Spider-Man in his grip. On the Tricarrier Tony gasped. Spider-Man was Peter Parker.

"You forget Wolf Spider. I am the center of the multiversal web and you are the only variation where Peter Parker stands for evil. In every other universe, Peter Parker stands for humility, justice, sacrifice, and honor. You may be Peter Parker but you will never be Spider-Man."

No one had noticed that a web connected to every spider variant who had fallen, until Peter shot a web directly at Wolf Spider's chest and a blue light started to appear Wolf Spider shouted but soon disappeared into his own dimension as Dr. Strange came up behind him with the Siege Perilous.

"Do you need something, Spider-Man?" Strange called as he floated down.

"Thanks, Doc," Spidey sighed, "Think you can send the rest of these home?"

"Got it Spidey. I'm sorry Kid Arachnid I can't send you home because your Goblin is still in our universe."

"That's fine," Kid Arachnid said, "I'm starting to like it here anyway."

One by one the Spider people disappeared into portals that would lead them home and the vigilantes headed back to the Tricarrier.

They were exhausted, battered, bruised, and bloody but they were alive.

"Good work, team," Fury told them upon their arrival, "Now shower, food, sleep, then debrief."

The teams stood in shock for a moment. Fury had actually given them one of his rare compliments.

"If you don't start moving in thirty seconds I will hold the debriefing now," Fury warned.

That got the teens moving. The Web Warriors jumped on the ceiling or used their webs while the Ultimates ran as fast as inhumanly possible to the showers. Fury just grinned he hadn't actually planned to hold the debriefing now. He just wanted to get them moving.

"Now, I assume you have some questions?" Fury asked.

"Of course. Peter Parker is Spider-Man?" Tony asked in disbelief.

"Yep. Now this will stay a secret. That footage will be deleted from any and all social media and internet sites," Fury promised.

Almost 2000 words be happy. Now it is 11 pm I'm going to bed. 

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