Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

When Dylan came in Lilac's life, he was just an idol that she likes to support, along with supporting her own boyfriend.

None of this arrangements of today, ever crossed Faye's mind before. Working under Dylan, Lilac being dependent to Dylan, Dylan liking Lilac, and vice versa.

Has it been three years since he left? After that time when Lilac said that he was leaving, it also became the last time that she mentioned him. From then on wards, Dylan also appeared near Lilac everyday.

Whenever Lilac is struggling, Dylan was there. In the morning, the one who walks into the door of that little nest from before was him. The person who reminds Lilac not to overwork herself was also him. The one who prepared food for her was him.

Dylan stood by her side, even though he was the boos, he practically acted like Lilac was in charge. If it weren't for Lilac acknowledging his position, everyone in the conpany will forgot that he was the head of the board of directors.

Whenever Lilac was drunk, or when she was hungry, when she was uncomfortable... Probably, even when she cried out of nowhere, Dylan was still there.

A year ago, he told her something that made Faye completely give Dylan the trust to worry and help Lilac through and through. Lilac was fragile, and he wanted to protect her.

If other people said those words, Faye wouldn't have believed them. If it were Franco, she wouldn't believe him. But Dylan is someone who's always around them.

Although in the eyes of other people, he is someone who recklessly do everything, flirting and causing troubles, Faye has seen more than they did.

Dylan, he was willing to shoulder the pain if it meant, Lilac will be able to comfortably live a new life without Timothy.

"Lilac... How was she?"

Mn. Without her ex boyfriend.

"Do you think she has forgiven me?"

Timothy's voice has a mixture of guilt and fear. On the other side of the video call, he was sitting on a white sofa, not looking at the camera at all.

"I don't know." Probably yes. Probably, she has long forgotten about you.

"I'm returning home soon." Timothy looked at her with a smile. "The graduate is around the corner. Once I finished my studies, I'll go back in the Philippines." He was beaming with joy and expectations, far from the person who bear the expectation of the crowd from a few years ago.

His worn out appearance, the tired eyes that he used to have before he left. It was as if he slept throughout the night and got a goodnight's sleep after a long time of suffering from insomnia. He looked brand new.

But even if he changed for the better. Lilac already like someone else.

"You're going to go to her?" Faye lowered her eyes, not daring to look at Timothy. "What's the point of it?"

"I..." The smile on Timothy's face gradually frozen. "I just want to talk to her again."

You can never be friends with the person whom you hurt once. You'll never be able to get what you once lost. Because Lilac has probably taken Dylan's side ever since the moment that she told me about her feelings.

"Don't bother. Go back in peace, if you want to visit her, call me first." She gave out a called reply, but still maintained a smile. "When you're back in the country, call me."

The call ended, Faye's eyes gradually dimmed even more. She leaned her back on the swivel chair, with another worry in her mind.

Lilac did like Dylan, and so does Dylan likes her. But recently, not only Dylan was hiding, the two of them are even playing cold war. Eating together, and yet making it appear as if the other person doesn't exist.

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