Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Inside the elevator, a lot of employees were in, that Lilac had no choice but to be pushed on the corner with Franco.

Some of the employees keep on glancing their way, as their position was really... Too embarrassing. But Lilac have no choice but to stand in Franco's embrace- well, she's not entirely in his embrace. It's just that, she stood too close that it looked like she was being hugged by Franco, in the eyes of the other employees.

Lilac lowered her eyes and silently cursed, waiting for the elevator to open on their office's floor. But it looks like heaven's are against her wishes, and the employees are a little heavier, that the elevator worked slowly. Too slow that Lilac is already running out of patience.

Beads of sweat gathered on Franco's forehead, even his clothes were wet. The elevator was too crowded, and it was too hot inside, with a lot of people breathing the same air in a cramped area.

When finally, the elevator door opened, everyone sucked their breath and had a race on exiting the elevator, resulting of the employees bumping and shoving each other.

At the corner, in order to not get shoved or hurt, Franco embraced Lilac with his left arm. It was only a fleeting moment. But that moment was engraved in Franco's mind, and for no apparent reason, he felt his heartbeat gone crazy.

He let go of Lilac and went out too. Just as the same time he raise his head, he met Faye's gaze. Her lips still agape, as her hand was loosely holding her phone. She was nailed on her footsteps, stiff as if struck by lightning.

"I can explain..." Franco defensively said. He felt guilty after all, but he himself was asking, why?

"What's there to explain?" Lilac who was not one bit surprised or uncomfortable from the situation stopped beside him. She smiled at Faye and said worriedly, "Ah, close your mouth. He just did that to protect me from being stepped on."

Faye closed her mouth, and nod hesitantly, it was visible in her eyes that she doesn't buy her excuse.

"Yeah. It's like that." Franco nodded in agreement. "I didn't mean to do that. I'm sorry, Miss Lilac." He said in a quiet voice, his face red as tomatoes. Why does he felt so embarrassed?


The break time already passed, so there was no one around the hallway where the elevator was. Thus, when the voice called out, it immediately sound loud.

Even the speaker, Timothy himself, felt a little awkward after hearing his own voice was that loud.

The three, turned and saw that one man who was never not in the billboards, standing next to a blue-haired man, who's probably a few years younger than him.

Dylan's eyes was firmly stick into Lilac, but she didn't took notice on it, as she looked back at Timothy with longing in her eyes.

Dylan saw the surge of emotion on her eyes, but he didn't paid attention on it, his mind was traveling back to the first time he saw this woman.

The corner of his lips quirked, as he took his steps slowly towards Lilac. This woman who made him loose sleep for a few nights, as he wonder how to give the stuff toy to her, suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

He felt a surge of an unexplainable feeling. It was as if the sun shine on him after he was drenched in rain water, the coldness vanished and the warmth kissed his skin.

"We meet again, Miss." He said, eyes locked on Lilac, who, at this time finally gave him attention. His smile became even bigger.

He had no idea that Franco, Faye and Timothy are displaying a confused expression on their face, frowning as they watch.

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