Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Dylan just sat there until Lilac wake up. He and the cat silently played with each other on the sofa, waiting for her until nightfall.

When she finally wake up, it's alright six in the evening, and it made her feel bad for making Dylan wait for her as she wake up. But he didn't said anything, he just rose from the sofa and walk to the kitchen with the cat.

After getting her a glass of water, Dylan asked, "Are you alright now?"

Lilac held the glass with both of her hands, her feet on the sofa, her legs close to her body. She leaned forward and put her chin on the top of her knees, "Where is he?"

"Do you want to see him?"

Lilac didn't answer. She wants to. She doesn't want to. She don't know.

"I told him to leave first." He lean on the chair and heave a long sigh. "If you want to see him, contact him."

"It's alright. We don't have anything to talk about." Lilac finished the glass of water and stand up. "What do you want to eat? I'll cook for you."

Dylan looked at her, "You're fine already? Are you sure?" When she nod her head, he immediately said the dishes he wanted, and then added, "Your friends called, said they're coming over."


"The fashion design director, and the stylist."

Lilac nod her head, "Ah, it's Faye and Lei. When did they call?"

"An hour ago, I guess? Maybe they're stuck in the traffic jam."

"More likely they don't know how to come here, after all you're the one who answered the call." Lilac giggled and pick up Snow White from his arms.

"They don't need to be fetched? Maybe they're stuck in the community gate?"

"They have visitor's pass."

"Also, I told them about what happened."

Lilac paused for a moment before looking at Dylan, "Then check on Timothy, maybe Faye is beating him already." When she saw his eyes widen, she couldn't help her laughter.

Dylan's hand that was about to dial a call halted. "What?"

"You actually believed me." She scratched Snow's fur before putting her down on Dylan's lap. "Help me on the kitchen."


Dylan immediately followed on the kitchen to help. At first, it was him who asked her to a dinner, he really wanted to dine with her, but who knows, after saying no, he was still able to eat dinner with her. Of course he's happy.

Dylan was happy without even realising it.

Not long after, they finished cooking, and just in time, the doorbell rang. Lilac looked at Dylan, "Please get the door."

Dylan nod his head and went to the door, as soon as he opened the door, Lei and Faye entered chattering nonstop and ranting over Marianne.

"You don't say, that bitch is going overboard. Seriously, have you seen how she mocked me when I was leaving the company?" Faye kicked her shoes off and stepped on the floor barefoot. On her left hand is her bag, and on her right arm is a paper bag of groceries. "Lily, I'm going to be kicked out by my mom. Let me live here!"

"Now that you've quit, I think I should also quit. Marianne will make my life a hell, it's just that I don't know what the fuck is her problem. We're just working here for our plain lives." Lei followed in, ranting nonstop.

A Designer's Love (COMPLETED) | Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now