"Where's your dorm? Maybe I'll stop by." I said looking him up and down.

God I loved flirting.

"I'll take you later on."
He stuck his hand out.

"I'm Cormac."
"Isabella." I said shaking his hand.
"Good grip." I said.
"These hands can do so much more then that darling." He said.
"I bet."

He studied my face for a second.

"You're really hot."
"I know." I said.
"You're a cocky one aren't you?"
"Well, I do like cock."

He looked me up and down and walked away.

"Absolutely not." Said Theo.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Cormac's a douche." Said Enzo.
"He's hot though." I said.

Draco didn't say anything, but I could see the anger on his face. His jaw was clenching and his fists were tight.

The guys always hated when other boys talk to me, especially Gryffindors.

"I can talk to Cormac if I want." I said.
"Draco, say something." Said Theo.

Out of all the guys Draco was on my case the most when I was hit on.

Draco looked at me and away.
"What's your problem? So quiet." Said Theo.

(Draco's Pov)
Cormac and Isabella would never work out.

I don't want Isabella going to his dorm. It's not my place to say anything, but I can't control myself sometimes.

"Isabella don't." I said.
"I'm sorry?" She said.
"You barely even know him, what if something happens." I said.

"It doesn't matter how long I've known someone, things can still happen." She said.

She was indirectly talking about me.

"You're right." I said.
"Giving up so soon Malfoy?" Asked Theo.

(Enzo's Pov)
Poor Theo has no idea what's going on.

Back in year 3 when guys spoke to her, Draco was quick to shut it down. I knew Draco wanted to, but he was holding back.

"She's not a kid anymore it's not our job to babysit her." Said Draco.

Isabella looked at him with widened eyes.

"It was never your job to babysit me." She said.
"You were a 13 year old girl you needed us to keep you safe." Said Draco.

"You were 13 too, and from what?"
"From being used. You were vulnerable back then, quite the opposite now." Said Draco.

"Why did you say it like that?" She asked.
"Because you also say things no matter how harsh it is." Said Draco.

"I was the harsh one?" She asked.
Her tone raised a bit.

"Holy shit what did I miss?" Asked Theo.
Draco and Isabella looked at him.

"It's better you leave it alone." I said.
"Am I the only one who doesn't know?
Does Mattheo know?" Asked Theo.

"No and you're not gonna tell him."
Said Isabella.

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