"What is not happening?" She asked me with ofc her raised eyebrow.

"The coffee, I don't have his number and we didn't even fixed a time" I finished

"Not a big deal, I'll give you his number simple" she told me like it's nothing.

"And then he'll think I'm the desperate one for our da- our meet-up " I told her and made my way to the bathroom to do my morning or wait afternoon routine.

"Ain't you baby?" She asked me from the bedroom

"Of course not" I told her nonchantedly

"Fine then I'll text him that you ain't interested anymore" she said I guess while taking out her phone.

"Don't do that, he offered it first and it'll be rude to decline after saying yes" I said, though I'm not desperate but I have manners not to keep a man hanging.

"Oooo, is that so Riana" she said in a cheeky voice and I shut the door of the bathroom so that she gets the sign that we are over with this conversation.

[Time skip]
[Third person POV]

It was 7 in the evening when Ariana was at her office. She chose to come and work here rather than just staying at home.

She talked to her dad this afternoon and explained everything to him 'nicely' and told him that she'll be back home in a week or so.

And after ending her call with he father she called Alex to talk to him and ask him about the work he is doing while she is away and what she got everytime is that:

"I'm fine Ari, work here is going smoothly and you just enjoy"

And of course a few cursing for Daniel for not informing him and flying all the way to New York to piss his sister off.

And now she's having a Skype meeting with some investors of MH when her phone screen lit up. It took 30 minutes to conclude the meeting and then she checked the notification.


[Ariana's POV]

I just finished a meeting with some investors and checked a notification that came in half an hour go.

The notification:

Unknown number

-Hi Ariana
- I hope I didn't disturbed you

Who is this?-

Unknown number
-hi, this is jungkook
-we met last night remember?

And I was stunned when I read the name of the person who is texting me right NOW. Because how the hell he got my number.

Ofc, I remember you!-
I don't mean to sound rude but, how you got my number?-

𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙩 𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙙
Unknown number -> The Jeon Jungkook

The Jeon Jungkook
-Ah that I got it from Miss Martin
-Sorry if you felt uncomfortable

Damn these boys are so considerate

No no, not at all-
I was just curious-

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