Launch vs. Tien The Finals

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As soon as the Tournament Announcer proclaimed the start of the battle, Launch and Tien dove at each other. Tien was the first to attack, trying to deliver a punch to her chest. However, the blonde twisted around, deflected the arm away from her, and made sure her sharp elbow delivered a blow to Tien's jaw. The triclops staggered back, wiped the blood off his lip, and smiled. It wasn't the sinister and mocking smirk she had seen during his match with Yamcha, but rather a battle hungry and somewhat loving smile. The same one she had seen on Venom, although she wasn't as endeared by the triclops' version.

"Oooo, that's a good one." Venom said, feeling a rush of emotions inside himself. Could have been the thrill of the battle or a little jealousy towards Tien.

"You said it buddy. I can already tell this is going to one of those fights." Krillin said.

"What kind of fight?" Bulma asked as she tinkered with the Rescue helmet in order to better gauge the fight.

"Okay Bulma, let me break it down to you so you can understand. Do you remember when you had that grudge match with Launch yesterday?" Violet pointed out.

"Yeah I do." Bulma said.

"Yeah, it's the complete opposite. This battle right here is what you call a friendly competition were the other side isn't looking to horribly disfigure the other. It's a proper and honorable fight without it somehow turning into a dance." Violet said sarcastically.

"This battle is more about redemption than anything." Goku added as his tail wagged from side to side like a cat observing something interesting.

"Nice elbow strike." Tien smiled as he gut punched Launch, a blow that gave way to battle hungry smile on the blonde's face.

"Thanks, though you could do better." Launch said as she grabbed Tien's arm, flipped backward, and launched him towards the audience. Of course the triclops was able to catch himself in time.

"Yeah, work it out baby!! Heha!!!" Roshi shouted, but of course Pistole managed to shoot a web out of Launch's skin, which landed on the old man's face.

"You were asking for it." Wolverine grumbled as he carefully cut the yellow and blue web off of Roshi's face with his adamatium claws.

"Still worth it!" Roshi shouted.

"I definitely agreed!" Oolong said.

"Oh bother." Both Turtle and Puar commented as Logan huffed to himself.

"I can say the same thing about you. You're definitely being a lot more reserved." Tien said as he stood up straight.

"Well, you said you wanted to talk, so I thought this would be the perfect time to do it." Launch said as she jumped towards Tien to deliver a kick, which he blocked with ease.

"I already had my talk with Daredevil, but if you wanted to discuss what I had to say yesterday, then by all means." Tien replied as he tried to do a quick uppercut with his other hand, which Launch webswinged away from to gain some distance.

"Hey, what are they talking about?" Yamcha asked.

"Shhhh." Krillin said, trying to keep the former bandit quiet so the group could listen to Tien's and Launch's discussion.

"Wha-" Yamcha asked, but immediately shut hid mouth when he could feel Violet's gun press against the back of his head.

"Don't you dare say another word that would ruin the moment." Violet warned.

"Yes, sorry Violet." Yamcha apologized.

"Alright Tien, let's hear what you have to say then." Launch responded as she shot several webs at Tien, which he dodged with ease.

The Symbiote Saiyan Book 5:  The Tienshinhan SagaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat