Krillin vs. Crossbones

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"DODGE HOBBIT!!!" Venom frantically roared as Krillin ducked under Crossbones' punch just in time. It was so close that he could feel the heat radiate from the trained killer's arm. Krillin attempted to go for a gut punch, but had ended up getting kneed in the cheek. Crossbones was quick that's for sure.

"Ow. That's got to hurt." Yamcha said with worry as Krillin staggered backwards.

"You think!?" Asked a sarcastic Launch.

"Amazing! Crossbones wastes no time going on the offense, and it seems Krillin has no answer to this! Will Krillin be able to make a comeback in time!?" Shouted the Tournament Announcer.

Tien was complexed by Crossbones' skill and strength. While he felt that he could without a doubt beat Crossbones at his full strength, he was surprised by how many powerful fighters he had come across in the span of twenty-four hours. Some of which could have gone toe to toe with him. He was grateful Master Shen was not here to see this. No doubt he was too busy bickering with Master Roshi outside.

"Come on bub. Where is that bravado you have been showing me for the past week. Beat this prick!" Wolverine said as Daredevil silently observed the fight.

"Wow, Miss Briefs is right. Her friends are powerful. No wonder she became Rescue." Norman said to himself.

"We know you can do better than this Baldo Baggins. Kick Mr. Skull X's butt!" Pistole said.

"I'm trying okay!" Krillin complained as he blocked a kick with both palms.

"What's a matter? The whole power of friendship troupe not working for you?" Crossbones mocked as he continued to push his kick to get Krillin closer to the ring.

"No, I just need a nice clean hit to knock you out of the ring." Krillin responded as he was slowly being pushed inch by inch.

"Wow, this fight is incredible." Storm said in awe.

"Watch closely Storm. You might learn something from this." Nam advised.

"Wow, this is what I have to contend with. These guys are just as good as Launch." Ranfan said.

"Yep. My friends are just that good." Violet said as she walked up beside Ranfan.

"Is that so? Are you in the same league as them then?" Ranfan asked, the first time acknowledging Violet in a positive light.

"I guess you find out next match." Violet said with a mischievous smirk.

"That's a good face punch Hobbit! Buff Dry Bowser certainly deserved that." Venom said as the monk delivered a 'jaw dropping' blow to Crossbones' face before the skull masked warrior could successfully push him out of bounds.

"Not bad. Though you haven't exceeded my expectations yet kid." Crossbones said as each of his own punches connected with Krillin's fist. The repetition of simultaneous blows increased in speed, so much so that by the end of the stalemate it became a blinding whirl.

"This is so cool! We haven't seen a match like this since Venom vs. Jackie Chun! We can't even see if they are even connecting!" The Announcer shouted.

"Wow, they are moving at an alarming rate." Jarvis commented to Rescue.

"Impressive." James Wesley said.

"Most impressive." Wilson Fisk added.

"Not really that impressive." Launch grunted, not as impressed. She knew Krillin and possibly Crossbones could do better, considering Goku/Venom and herself have performed better whenever they sparred.

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