Wolverine vs. Daredevil

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"Looks like they dried the floor quite nicely." Rescue sarcastically said as she, Goku/Venom, Launch/Pistole, Krillin, Yamcha, Violet, Wolverine, Ranfan, Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn, and the Tournament Announcer entered the indoor part of the complex.

"Stone floor 68% dry with puddles and 26 wet floor signs all around. Perfectly safe indeed." Jarvis said with much of the same tone as his creator. The group watched the ambulance crew cart off Nam's broken body away with a very saddened Storm following them in his wake. The little girl gave a nod towards their direction, just as much of a thank you they could get in such a troubled emotional state she was in.

"All that from two blows from the Drei Rental Machoke. We wish we could have seen all of it happen." Pistole commented.

"Hey guys, I am going to see if Tien and Chiaotzu are doing alright." Launch stated. Both Venom and Goku growled a little, but completely understood why she was doing this, which was why he didn't make any other complaints.

"Why? Aren't they the enemy?" Yamcha asked.

"Yeah, there is a reason why Master Roshi and that snake Shen don't get along. Bullseye clearly wants to destroy us. Oh, don't tell me you have a bit of a thing for Tien." Violet asked as Matt Murdock causally strolled inside from behind.

"Look, I know what it's like to receive a mental attack from Knull. It can be lethal trust me. Not to mention, I am a bit of a bad girl myself so I can safely work around the edges of another of my kind. Besides, Tien is not the grand prize." Launch said as she made her way over to the pair of Turle Hermit students.

"That makes sense." Violet said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Hey Launch." Goku said with a foreign determination that was even unknown to him.

"Ya my big lug?" Launch asked as she turned around. Jarvis of course had to cut off Bulma's access to the speakers and mobility, knowing she would react upon hearing the word 'my.'

"If Tri-Kano tries anything funny, don't hesitate to call us over." Both Venom and Goku said simultaneously.

Launch couldn't help but smile, knowing those were the words of a protective boyfriend. She hadn't realized until now that if it wasn't for Goku's extremely late puberty, they would have been an item already.

"This isn't right. I found him first. He is supposed to be mine." Bulma growled.

"You know, despite the fact that your crush acts like a puppy at times, that doesn't mean you own him." Jarvis advised.

"You're right. He is a man." Bulma admitted.

"Good, now I think it's time we-" Jarvis said, before getting interrupted.

"MY MAN!!!!" Bulma shouted at the top of her lungs. Thankfully, no one but Wolverine was able to hear her.

"And it looks you need to stay in the time out box a bit longer." Jarvis said, resuming the restrictions the artificial intelligence placed on Bulma.

"Women." Wolverine growled as he shook his head.

"Hey." Launch greeted as he walked up to both Tien and Chiaotzu.

"What in Kami's name do you want?" Tien asked trying to act bitter about intermingled with the 'enemy.' Launch didn't need to have Pistole's abilities to figure out that there was some responding attraction to her, but she brushed it aside. At the most she was going to some flirting, but anything more than that she felt would betray Goku/Venom.

"Just checking on how you're doing." Launch said, resisting any redness to form on her cheeks. She couldn't tell if it was from anger or arousal. Maybe both.

The Symbiote Saiyan Book 5:  The Tienshinhan SagaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant