Colonel Violet Knows

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"Kami damn it. He beat me." Wolverine groaned as he got up, not wanting any of the Z Fighters to assist him. Although his flesh wounds had already healed, his healing factor could do little to quell the humiliation he felt from being the only one in the team thus far from losing.

"Oh man, how could Wolverine lose? He is just as tough as Venom and Pistole." Yamcha asked.

"It's because Wolverine was up against a much stronger opponent. Daredevil might just be stronger than Crossbones and be on the same wavelength as Tien." Krillin pointed out.

"He definitely has a strategic side that's for sure." Rescue added. She knew that an out of the box strategy like that with no preparation could only be done by someone who had the knowhow to fight against experienced opponents. Maybe Matt Murdock could even put up a fight against those like Master Roshi and Mercenary Tao.

"Jarvis, look up everything you have on Matt Murdock, otherwise known as Daredevil." Bulma asked.

"It will take a minute or two since a lot of data on him is encrypted. In the meantime you can joyfully simp over Venom, silently of course." Jarvis replied.

"He's not my boyfrirnd...not yet anyway." Bulma muttered.

"Tien, I think this Daredevil guy might be difficult to handle." Chiaotzu said.

"Nevertheless, I have to beat him." Tien replied.

"But will you kill him?" Chiaotzu asked an inquisitive manner, his tone a mix of duty and a pinch of dread.

"Eventually, I will have to. I just don't know if it will be in this tournament setting or not." Tien answered.

"Are you sure you're okay Logan?" Violet asked, knowing him more than any of the other Z Fighters.

"Yeah sure. I'm alright." Wolverine groaned slowly. Violet of course knew there was more to the story and of course would want to talk to him about it. However, she needed to do one more thing before that.

"Hey Rescue, can I talk to you about superhero stuff? Maybe you know something about Daredevil considering you both work in West City." Violet suggested as she made her way outside.

"Sure....why not." Agreed a very hesitant Rescue as the metal warrior followed Violet out the door. She was expecting to owe Violet the truth once they were alone.

"Hmmmm, I wonder why Violet and Rescue want to talk about Daredevil?" Goku asked.

"If Rescue and Punchline have a way to defeat Kanan Demon, then they should really fill us in too." Venom agreed.

"There could be discussing other things for all we know." Wolverine said, knowing by now Violet had figured out Bulma's secret.

"Like what?" Goku asked curiously.

"That's something you need to figure out on your own kid." Wolverine answered.

"Actually, I am with Goku on this one. What's going on with Violet and Rescue?" Launch growled, now getting suspicious.

"Oh don't tell me they are secretly in love with each other." Yamcha commented.

"What?" Ranfan asked, getting worried.

"Now hold your horses it's nothing like that." Logan said, now regretting in reassuring Goku. The mutant certainly did not want the topic of conversation to lead to this, especially with him at the wheel.

"So they don't have a thing for each other?" Krillin asked.

"No, Rescue doesn't have a thing for Violet." Wolverine answered, starting to get annoyed.

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