Doctor Strange

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"Hmmmmm." Master Roshi groaned as he stroked his beard.

"Master Roshi, are you okay?" Turtle asked as he, Oolong, and Puar looked at the old man with worry.

"I don't think so. I just sensed an unusual sinister energy in there. Whoever they are is facing off against Krillin." Master Roshi said as he got up, too anxious to sit down. He hadn't been this afraid since witnessing Knull for the very first time after being interrogated by Eddie Brock, otherwise known as General Blue of the Red Ribbon Army.

"Do you think it was that Tien guy? He looked strong, even just as strong as Yamcha." Puar asked.

"No, this feels like something different, otherwise that weasel Shen would probably be gloating at us right now." Roshi said, but everyone got their answer when a metal figure could be seen literally flying out of the indoor tournament complex.

"Out of the way, coming through!" Rescue said as she carried the unconscious and injured Krillin in her arms.

"KRILLIN!!!!" Turtle, Oolong, and Puar shouted with fear at the sight of their friend.

"Wait! Rescue!" Roshi called over, stopping Rescue in her tracks.

"You should at least tell them where you are going." Jarvis recommended.

"Guys! I am going to take Krillin to Papaya Island Metro Hospital! Hopefully they can fix him up soon!" Rescue called out to the group. Master Shen turned around and noticed this, paying close attention to what was going on.

"Alright! I will meet you there!" Master Roshi called out.

"Great! See you soon!" Rescue replied before flying in the intended direction.

"Alright Turtle, watch Oolong and Puar and make sure Oolong don't get into any trouble. I am going to meet up with Rescue to see if Krillin is doing alright." Master Roshi said as he signaled for a cab on the sidewalk.

"Hey, why call me out specifically?" Oolong complained.

"Shouldn't I come with you?" Turtle asked as everyone ignored Oolong.

"No, someone has to be here in case Goku/Venom or anyone else needs something. Call me if there's trouble." Roshi said as he climbed into the taxi.

"Will do Master Roshi." Turtle said as the pair of talking animals waved him goodbye.

"Hmmmmm, interesting. I wonder if Tien was the one to do that to Roshi's student." Master Shen said to himself as he continued to meander around the tournament grounds.

2 minutes later, at Papaya Island Metro Hospital....

"I have been telling you fools! I have an appointment with Doctor Stephen Strange!" Fortuneteller Baba yelled at the receptionists, two nurses, and a nearby doctor while Ghost Usher looked completely unfazed by the display.

"I am sorry Ms...." Nurse Mara said.

"Baba! My name is Fortuneteller Baba!" Baba spouted angrily startling the hospital staff.

"Sorry Baba, but Doctor Strange is a very busy man. You are going to have to wait later to see him." Nurse Jade said.

"I just looked into my crystal ball and I saw him studying at his desk while having a sandwhich! He is available for Kami sake! Just call him up and say that it's me!" Baba said.

"Boy, this woman is a real handful. At least I don't have to deal with that crazy Launch woman from two years ago. Let's hope I don't have any surprise martial artists this year, especially with the 22nd World Tournament happening right now." Doctor Brio thought.

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