First Jealousy

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"Goku has been very quiet. So has Venom." Launch mentioned to Pistole as she gazed at Goku tending to Mr. Ham. "He hasn't been the same ever since we encountered that guy Tien."

"We wouldn't be surprised." Pistole commented.

"Why? Is there something you know?" Launch asked, annoyed by her symbiote's answer.

"We wouldn't know if you didn't know yourself, deep down at least." Pistole replied.

"What in Kami's name is that supposed to mean?" Launch asked Pistole, mad about how cryptic she was being.

"You are a smart girl. You figure it out before Little Miss Sunshine does. She will be more than happy to take advantage of our situation." Pistole said, saying no more about the subject.

Launch and Goku had made their journey back to Mount Paozu via symbiote grown wings. The first thing they did, other than tidying up Grandpa Gohan's grave, was setup a system where Mr. Ham could live comfortably at Goku's/Venom's old residence without them having to be there. Launch had anxiously sat back after Goku had heavily insisted in being left alone as he catered to the boar. Any normal person wouldn't pick it up, but the fact that Goku and Venom were not in their typical happy go lucky attitude and had refused her help meant that he was mad at her about something. Launch needed to know what exactly it was so they could repair their relationship as quickly as possible.

"Hey you big lug....can we talk?" Launch asked.

"Maybe another time." Goku said asked he groomed Mr. Ham's head.

"When?" Launch asked.

"Don't know." Venom replied, keeping his voice neutral. For once in her life, a shiver crept up her spine. Venom always showed emotion, often resorting to property damaging outbursts to express his anger and sometimes joy. The only time she had seen her crush in this quiet state is when he was furious with Bulma, Krillin, and the rest of his friends with keeping vial information from the two of them. If it wasn't for Emperor Pilaf's big blubbering mouth, Venom, herself, and Mai would have never figured out that they had the then uncontrollable ability to turn into a Great Ape. It took him a while to fully recover from the emotional trauma after realizing his grandfather's blood was on his hands. Not to mention, a pair of sunglasses could easily do the trick of quelling the inner rampaging Donkey Kong.

"I guess I have to pop out the big guns if I need to draw out a conversation." Launch thought to herself.

"You think?!" Pistole asked, sarcasm in its truest unbound nature.

"Say Goku, how about I cook up lunch? We didn't get the chance eat breakfast after all." Launch requested.

"No thanks." Goku said, not looking towards the blonde.

"We are not hungry." Venom replied.

Launch's lower jaw and heart dropped. Never in the history of humankind has Son Venom refused an opportunity to consume food. No matter how bad or how full he was, he made sure to devour whatever was on his plate to his heart's content.

"Oh dear Kami, what the hell did I do wrong?" Launch asked, now taking the situation seriously.

"We told you to search through your own mind and find out." Pistole replied in a snooty manner.


"The Drei Retina Machoke." Pistole replied.

"Elaborate." Launch demanded, knowing she had finally shook Pistole enough to get an answer out of here.

The Symbiote Saiyan Book 5:  The Tienshinhan SagaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin