Playing Bulma

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"That Daredevil is just another fool. It's something that old fool of a master Roshi would do." Doctor Doom spat as he observed the end of the fight on a large monitor in his castle's laboratory. All around him, well paid scientists were conducting various experiments, including a negative zone portal, Doombots, and various other weapons. Nearby on a map by Doom's side, several circles were drawn on various locations. The oldest yet most updated circle, located at King Furry's palace, had several little bullets detailing the final battle with Demon King Piccolo, though who would strike him down was still up in the air.

On another circle located on a farm called Cassidy's Ranch, a recent picture of a farmer and his wife holding a red haired baby. The farmer was standing proud with a shotgun in hand, though it was relevant that he and his wife were not important as their names were not mentioned. However, three things were noteworthy as the words 'Raditz' and 'Saiyan Invasion' were shown, with the last point detailing the baby's name 'Cletus.'

Other words and circles were erased across the board, several terms were shown including but not limited to 'Buu', 'Nappa', 'Vegeta', 'King Cold', 'Carnage Games', 'Android Appreance', 'Perfect Cell vs. Absolute Carnage', 'Phoenix Videl', 'Beerus', 'Goku Black', and of course 'Frieza' with the last being the most used. To the side were post-it notes, mentioning other names not worthy to be put on the map just yet, including 'Garlic Jr.', 'Wheelo', 'Turles', 'Slug', 'Cooler', 'Thirteen', 'Fourteen', 'Fifteen', 'Bojack', 'Zangya', 'Janemba', 'Magus (Baby) Vegeta', 'Super Ultron 17,' and 'Omega Shenron.' The only ones that were highlighted were 'Broly', 'Paragus', and 'Knull.' There were other names like '21', 'Doctor Octopus', 'Mira', 'Chronoa', 'Kang', 'Apocalypse', 'Mister Sinister', 'Loki', 'Time Patrol Trunks', 'Cable', and 'Towa' with the very last name taking special interest to the ruler of Latveria. It was safe to say that Doctor Victor Von Doom was keeping track of a series of events that had not transpired yet, but was to keep an eye out for nevertheless. However he didn't even bother to put the Green Goblin's name since he knew his return was set in stone and where he would display his power.

However, that was all in the future. Right now Doom was more focused on the present and he knew Bulma was up next, ready to prove her metal against Son Venom. Not even Kami knew the role she played, capturing the hearts of Earth's greatest hero and Earth's greatest villain.

"Let nothing hold you back beloved. Show your intelligence and power, let the world show who Bulma Briefs truly is." Doom said, watching the fight take place.

Meanwhile, back at the tournament grounds...

"YES!!! LAUNCH WON!!!" Goku and Venom cheered at the same time as Launch remained speechless in what Daredevil just did.

"Wow, I am surprised Daredevil let Launch win." Violet said.

"That's because he was scared to face off against a symbiote." Yamcha said.

"No, they were whispering about something. He was planning this from the start despite having a very good chance of winning." Krillin stated otherwise.

"I...I don't believe it." Said the shocked Tien as Chiaotzu looked up at him.

"Who knew Daredevil was a going to resign like that." Chiaotzu said.

"They must be planning something." Said the suspicious Bullseye.

"Maybe not Launch, but Daredevil certainly is." Chiaotzu said.

"How do you figure that?" Tien asked.

"Launch just seems like the type of girl to react on impulse. Could be a symbiote trait." Chiaotzu explained.

"Maybe. Certainly seems like the type." Tien agreed, at least giving the blonde that much credit.

"Jack." The Kingpin said as one of his henchman stepped forward.

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