Papaya Rooftop Royale Part 1

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"Well looks like the qualifying matches are up." The Tournament Announcer said as he walked up to Norman and Harry Osborn. "So what do you two have planned for tonight?"

"We are going to get ice cream!" Harry said excitedly, jumping for joy. The boy was still ecstatic from the matches, especially after the last two between Launch and Daredevil, and then Venom and Rescue.

"Sounds like a plan." The Announcer said as looked around to see if anybody was listening. "Wasn't expecting Miss Briefs to pull something like that, especially so soon."

"I did. I am just grateful she is happy with the result she got. Imagine if she had to face Tienshinhan or Chiaotzu? I would hate what Fisk's dogs would have done to her." Norman said.

"You really don't like that guy do you?" The Announcer asked.

"No one should ever trust someone like Fisk. The officals should have never made him part of this tournament event." Norman remarked.

"If you believe so. Still, it's a shame what happened to Wesley." The Announcer mentioned. Norman raised an eyebrow wondering what his client was talking about.

"What are you talking about?" Norman asked, curious on the subject.

"James Wesley was an employee and a personal friend of Wilson Fisk. He died in the bathroom inside this very building around the time Tien had his match against Nam." The Announcer revealed.

Norman's eyes nearly popped out of his head. He could feel the Green Goblin chuckling to himself in his ear. He finally realized why he had that blackout yesterday. The Green Goblin killed James Wesley. HE killed James Wesley. Blood, albeit not one of innocence, was now on his hands.

"Dad? Are you alright?" Harry asked.

"Of course! Your father is a monster and he should embrace it. Maybe if he wasn't on death's door, your son could join the family business." The Green Goblin cackled as Norman's eyes started to turn a tint yellow.

"I'm alright son. It's getting late, so we should probably get going. Thank you for your time Announcer." Norman said as he left the grounds.

"But what about my ice cream?" Harry asked.

"You will get your ice cream bright and early tomorrow. I'm your father and I say it's time for you to go to bed." Norman said with fear in his voice.

30 minutes later...

Norman tucked the unconscious Harry in bed. His son had fallen asleep halfway back to Oscorp Papaya Island. He was still alive thankfully, getting a bit frightened at first before checking his pulse. His disease would at least let him live long enough to wake up tomorrow morning. He let himself look upon his son one last time for tonight before the Green Goblin forcibly took over, changing into his 'Namekian' form, albeit with some different features, most notably his long and spiky purple hair. The hair was a recent trait now that he was technically part human.

"Now it's finally time to conduct business. I can feel that weasel Shen coming this way. It's been a while since the last time we saw each other. I am going to have much fun with him." The Goblin grinned.

Just then Norman's cell phone began to ring as a slightly annoyed Green Goblin answered the phone. Feeling the compulsion to not wake up Harry, the Green Goblin answered the phone with Norman's voice as he sped quietly out of the room.

"Norman here. What is it?" The Green Goblin growled.

"Hey Norman, it's me Bulma. How are you doing?" Bulma greeted on the other end of the line. In the background, Roshi could be heard giving some horny comments as Violet laughed at Yamcha's expense, with Puar yelling at the former officer of Commander Red as her meager form of retaliation.

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