He Knows

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"Well Bulma, looks like you messed up big time." Violet said as she and Bulma sat alone at the hotel bar. Despite only having three shots of alcohol, Bulma was already feeling the effects of the liquor since she wasn't used to drinking. They had to leave the restaurant long before their food arrived to avoid the public knowing she was Rescue. During the car ride, she told the Z Fighters everything about her superhero persona. She was surprised that Turtle, Yamcha, Oolong, and Puar took it well, but Master Roshi was a little ticked off. It wasn't because she had kept a secret from him but rather she had heckled him during the finals of the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament for pulling the same thing, with the only difference being was that his reasons were a lot more humble. Where he wanted to teach his students a valuable lesson with there always going to be someone stronger, she only wanted to make Venom her's. Because this, she expected Roshi to pay her back in heckling, but she wasn't up to arguing back to the old hermit. Violet, Krillin, and Wolverine just sat back and watched the whole scene pay out, considering they already found out the truth earlier. Now back at the hotel, everyone went back into their rooms with only Violet to keep her company at her side.

"Yeah, I sure did." Said the increasingly intoxicated Bulma as she took another shot.

"And if they figured out, how long until Goku/Venom and Launch/Pistole find out. As a matter of fact, all she needs is a smoking gun to reveal that you're Rescue before she shoots you with an actual smoking gun for attempting to get with Venom." Violet said.

"Yeah, I know." Bulma said as the bartender poured another glass for her.

"Well if your plan to be with your beloved falls through, at least you will be free to explore other options. Kami knows I am available for you." Violet said as she raised her eyebrows up and down in a seductive manner.

Upon hearing Violet's words, Bulma's drunken mind began to dance around the subject. She knew that she wasn't attracted to women, but she felt like doing something wild.

"Fine." Bulma said, giving half a smirk and half a grimace.

"Fine what?" Violet questioned.

"Take me to your bedroom and let's....let's do it." Bulma said clumsily.

Upon hearing this Violet's face lit up like a Christmas tree, smiling ear to ear in a naughty manner. However, much to Bulma's surprise, Violet's face quickly morphed into a stern and somewhat neutral expression.

"No." Said the resolute Violet.


"Bulma, face it. You're not into your own gender. You're strictly heterosexual. I can tell, and also I have my reasons right now." Violet stated.

"And what if I decide to change my mind just for tonight?" Bulma asked, nearly falling out of her seat.

"You can't, or at least not in a whim and certainly not in the state your in." Violet said as she reached out an arm to prevent Bulma from falling to the floor. "You can only become gay in three ways. Gay Option A, you have to be born with the gay gene. Gay Option B, you have to undergo self/outside psychological conditioning over SEVERAL YEARS that results in a SOBER AND COMPLETELY CONSCIOUS DECISION!! And finally Gay Option C, which is the rarest and most unheard of, you have to have a multiple sexuality disorder."

"Multiple sexuality disorder? You mean like bisexuality?" Bulma said with a burp.

"No you beautiful smart dumbass, bisexuality means you could go for both genders despite having a preference. Multiple sexuality disorder means you can find one gender attractive on moment, disgusting five or ten minutes later, and then attractive again after another few minutes. Like I said it's extremely rare, but it exists. My childhood friend Shiv has it despite not being classified gay, is able to switch between heterosexuality and asexuality at a moment's notice. And if it could be applied to asexuality, I am sure the gay community has their version in there too." Violet said.

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