Kingpin and Master Shen

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For the past hour or two, Wilson Fisk stared into the painting that hung on the wall before him. He had many valuable paintings, including a super genius with green hair named Muten Nijia that was supposed to be a gift for the Ox King's daughter Chichi. Another had a spotted blueish gray alien creature named Citrus that was inspired by a female Red Ribbon Army researcher named Vomi. Although most saw her as Doctor Gero's lover, rumor had it she was actually the husband of Gero's brother Doctor Otto Octavius. But most important to Fisk was the blank white painting that he constantly looked at just before he went to bed, A Rabbit In The Snowstorm. It was a commission from his now wife Vanessa, something that once made him feel lonely, now filled him with love and a greater purpose. If it wasn't for Daredevil's constant meddling, she would have been in his arms right now instead of being safely tucked away in one of his secret and lavish hideouts.

Much was on his mind, especially after the death of James Wesley. Recently, he had gotten the call from his forensic scientist, Dr. Hessing of the Papaya Island Police Department, that it was indeed the Dodon Ray that struck the killing blow to his dear friend. There was also evidence that superhuman strength was involved in crippling him, something that Mercenary Tao and the Crane School's elite were known for possessing. Surely Master Shen was responsible, or at least had knowledge of the crime. The question was what was his motive?

"Mr. Fisk, Master Shen of the Crane Martial Arts School is here as you requested." Jack said in his earpiece.

"Very well Jack, send him in." Kingpin said. All it took was mere seconds as a nervous and slightly angered Shen walked through his front door. He was a bit upset that he had to stop Tienshinhan and Chiaotzu from killing Master Roshi and his students, but he knew enough to keep his mouth shut. After all, it was against the plan that Fisk had instructed Shen to enact.

"Mr. Fisk, you wanted to see me?" Shen asked, looking around to see if there were any traps or bodyguards around. From what he could tell it was just Fisk, which in the back of his mind was even more unsettling. He hadn't been this afraid since the reign of Demon King Piccolo.

"Oh course, come and sit." Fisk said, not even turning around to face him. Understandingly skittish, Shen climbed into the chair as if he was a deer approaching food in an area known to have mountain lions.

"Do you know why you're here Master Shen?" Kingpin said, the stillness adding more to the overwhelming tension already present in the room.

"Is it because of my mistake earlier?" Shen asked, restricting himself to whimper even in the presence of the Kingpin of Crime.

"Mistake?" Kingpin asked, slightly tilting his head in Shen's direction with the back of his bald head still visibly seen. He knew that Shen had disobeyed his orders by trying to give Tien and Chiaotzu that assassination mission, he had eyes and ears on everyone after all. Pretending as if he didn't know did put Shen in a greater sense of dread, making the old man think that he had revealed something he shouldn't have.

"Well, my apologies for going behind your back Mr. Fisk but I had ordered my students Tienshinhan and Chiaotzu to eliminate Roshi and the rest of the Turtle Hermit School by dawn's light, however I retracted my mandate as soon as I had learned of my immediate meeting with you." Shen explained.

"I am well aware of your attempt to undermine me earlier, I know enough to keep a close eye on both friend and foe alike. While describing my stance on the subject as a disappointment will only downplay matters, that is not why I called you in." The Kingpin said, the tension now starting to bubble over.

"It's not? If that's the case then why in Kami's name am I here Mr. Fisk?" Shen asked, now confused as to what was going on. Did he do something worse without ever releasing it?

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