Senzu Beans and Chocolate Milk

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"Urgh. Stupid sleep. Not used to it." Venom grumbled in a groggy manner as Goku's slowly opened his eyes, finding himself in a hospital bed. He looked to his side finding Launch asleep, face down on the bed and still holding tight to Goku's hand. Slowly, Venom engulfed Goku's hand as he rubbed Launch's pinky knuckle to slowly wake her.

As predicted, Launch slowly opened her eyes as she reached for her gun, which Pistole immediately got a hold of first, placing it out of reach from the blonde. When she regained her senses, she could see that Goku was awake with the black symbiote covering the left half of face, his beaming smile lighting the room.

"YOU'RE AWAKE!!! YOUR ALIVE!!!" Launch exclaimed as she reached out and hugged her symbiotic crush. Of course neither Goku nor Venom were emotionally stirred when Launch's breasts were planted in his face or at least he hid it well.

"We are happy to see you are okay." Son Venom replied.

""We are supposed to say that!" Pistole said as Launch punched Goku's arm several times. This of course got his cheeks a tad bit red as he could feel the strength behind it.

"So what happened out there between you, Tien, and Chiaotzu?! Who the hell ambushed you so we can rip their head clean off their shoulder!?" Launch asked.

"He came out of nowhere. We-" Goku tried to inform Launch, but was interrupted when Bulma entered the room nearly kicking down the door in the process.

"THANK KAMI!!! VENOM AND GOKU ARE AWAKE!!! See, Jarvis was right!" Bulma yelled as Krillin, Yamcha, Master Roshi, Oolong, Puar, and Turtle all piled in despite the best efforts of the staff.

"I also told you to calmly come in one at a time instead of potentially disturbing him along with the surrounding staff and patients. It seems you completely neglected that part." Jarvis commented as everyone greeted the teen and his symbiote.

"Yeah yeah whatever Jarvis. Hey Tiger, how are you doing?" Bulma asked.

"We are glad to see you too Grandpa Stealer. Looks like everyone is here." Venom said happily.

"Except for Violet and Wolverine." Launch commented, a bit disappointed they were not here with them.

"Where is Punchline and Wolverine?" Pistole growled.

"Violet visited Tien to see how he and Chiaotzu are doing on their end." Oolong informed.

"Why would Punchline see Tri-Kano and Mime Jr over us? Oh wait-" Venom said as what Goku remembered from the fight flooded back into him.

"And Wolverine?" Launch asked.

"He went to get us some drinks. He-" Bulma informed but was interrupted by a surprise guest.

"And I got said drinks." Wolverine said as he greeted everyone, quickly tossing the chocolate milk to Yamcha. He even made sure to get a bottle of water for everyone else since they were not around when they offered.

"Hey, my chocolate milk!" Yamcha said happily.

"Really? You made Wolverine order chocolate milk from a bar?" Krillin questioned.

"Stupid Hayden Crywalker. Not even Baldo Baggins isn't that stupid. Why does Happy even support you?" Pistole commented.

"Hey! You don't get the quality of such a fine drink." Yamcha countered, but he only ended up getting smacked in the back of the head by Pistole's tentacle.

"Yeah! Yamcha's right!" Puar exclaimed.

"No he's not." Pistole responded.

"You were gone for quite a while Wolverine. What happened?" Roshi asked.

The Symbiote Saiyan Book 5:  The Tienshinhan SagaWhere stories live. Discover now