Yamcha's Strange Hospital Hour

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"YAMCHA NOOOOO!!!!" Puar cried as she rushed onto the ring.

"Puar wait up!" Oolong called after as he, Master Roshi, Fortuneteller Baba, Wolverine, Ghost Usher, and a much slower Turtle followed Puar in tow.

"Oh dear." Ranfan said, looking at the mangled state Yamcha's leg was in much like the rest of the crowd.

"That was excessive." Said an almost speechless Harry Osborn as he stood by his father's side.

"I'm sorry you had to see that son." Norman said with some regret of letting Harry watch this match.

"I'm not." Came the voice of the Green Goblin, ringing through Norman's ears. This time it was as if the demon was here with him.

"Did you say something dad?" Harry asked, looking up and giving his father a confused look.

"I said I was sorry you had to see that son." Norman said, giving his son an equally confused look back.

"Strange, I could have sworn you said something else after that." Harry said, turning his attention back towards the injured Yamcha.

Looking upwards, Daredevil gave Wilson Fisk a scowl few had ever seen, knowing he was somehow behind Tien's overly excessive behavior. In response, the Kingpin of Crime returned the hero's gesture with a wicked smile of his own, confirming that he was behind the newly christened Bullseye's actions.

"Come on." Goku/Venom said as he, Launch/Pistole, Krillin, and Violet jumped off the roof to come to the former bandit's side with Rescue flying down to meet the group.

"Why in Kami's name would you do that?" Launch growled, showing true anger towards Tien for the first time.

"Because I could and I did it." Bullseye responded, but there was that ever increasing feeling of regret that was building inside him. It mostly happened whenever Launch was involved, whether it be mentally or physically present.

"You crossed a line Tien. A big one. You didn't need to break Yamcha's leg so much." Launch said.

"Hayden Crywalker didn't deserve it." Pistole spat.

"Is it any different from when you symbiotes beat up Yamcha? How about Krillin too? I even overheard you beating up Oolong once or twice." Tien countered.

"Believe it or not, it's out of love. We are not looking to harm them." Launch explained.

"Hayden Crywalker, Baldo Baggins, and Tepig should only receive the beating of friendship." Pistole stated, though her host explained it much better than she did.

"So yeah, hurting my friends that way is wrong. We thought you had a shred of decency in you, but perhaps we were wrong." Launch stated as she turned her attention back to Yamcha.

Tien stood there in her wake completely stunned. He couldn't help but take in the blonde's words. Did he truly cross a fine line? Was Master Shen's teachings morally wrong? No, Master Shen couldn't be wrong. Could he?

"Tien, are you alright?" Chiaotzu asked as he floated over to the triclops.

"Yeah....I'm fine. Let's go." Tien said as he left

"Yamcha, how much pain are you in?" Puar asked.

"A lot Puar, I can't even move my-OWOHOOWWWW!" Yamcha yelled as he tried to move, but only ended up hurting himself.

"You idiot, try not moving." Wolverine grumbled.

"Easy for you to say, you have the ability to heal instantly. Man, Tien really did a number on me." Yamcha grumbled.

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