Kisses and Hospital Mayhem

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"Our darling is in there." Pistole pointed out to room 176 as Bulma and Launch made their way through the hallway, completely ignoring the faculty and staff that were trying to halt their stride.

"Sorry, sorry, we're so sorry." Krillin apologized to the healthcare workers as he walked behind the two women.

"Stop apologizing Baldo Baggins! It's their fault that they are in our way!" Pistole demanded as her head slithered out of Launch's shoulder and twisted towards Krillin. While most of the staff backed away from the new horrifying creature, one nurse and two security guards were brave enough to go over to the hospital door to Goku's room and stand in the way.

"Don't you think you two are being a little rough on the people who are taking care of Goku and Venom?" Krillin asked.

"No." Bulma, Launch, and Pistole said simultaneously.

"Yes." Jarvis chirped.

"See! Even the computer agrees with me!" Krillin said.

"Though I do advise you not to halt their movements. Otherwise, you might end up like Yamcha after his match with Tien. You don't want another Crossbones situation do you?" Jarvis asked.

"Yeah, you don't have to tell me the odds about that." Krillin said as he let the two women marched forward.

"Most aside now." Launch ordered as she came to Venom's door.

"Sorry, you can't come in. Only family can enter." The nurse said as the security guards slowly reached for their guns, getting ready to draw them out of their holsters.

"Oh this is going to go well." Krillin said as a nervous sweat drop slid down his forehead.

"You really want to go. Do you?" Launch said as she advanced forward, but Bulma, having more of the level head, stepped in-between the blonde and the staff.

"Look, myself and Krillin will go, but Launch is the patient's family." Bulma said. Sure she had met Goku's mother Gine and his Grandpa Gohan, but they was technically dead. There was also Mai due to the symbiote connection, but there was a weird love hate relationship since Vendetta was the black sheep of the symbiote family and Mai did not spend the same amount of time with Goku as Launch did. In fact, Venom and Launch has repeatedly stated that they did not know where or what Mai was up to, and by extension Emperor Pilaf and Shu.

"What?" Launch said, shocked by what Bulma was doing.

"What?!" Krillin exclaimed, more astonished than Launch was.

"We are confused by what Little Miss Sunshine is saying too Baldo Baggins." Pistole said.

"About time you used your head Miss Briefs. I had previously calculated a 27.4% chance you would use this outcome in time." Jarvis said.

"Look Launch, causing a massive brawl in the middle of the hospital isn't what neither Goku nor Venom would have wanted. While at least one of us has to be there for him, we can't do it at the cost of being arrested. Besides, we need to head back before Violet or Master Roshi makes a move on one of the nurses and we get kicked out for it. Come on Krillin." Bulma reasoned.

"Gladly." Krillin agreed as he followed Bulma back to the lobby.

"What's your relationship to the patient?" The nurse asked.

"Daughter." Launch answered, a bit awkward about that.

"Excuse me?" The nurse questioned as she raised an eyebrow, knowing Launch was older than Goku.

"It's an alien parasite thing." Launch explained.

"PARASITE!!!" Yelled the insulted Pistole, but Launch ignored her symbiote. She knew it was the best way to explain the situation to the unknowledgeable nurse.

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