Goblin and Crane

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"Oscorp. One of the leading companies in the world. Let's see if this company has any dark secrets. Oscorp may not be the shining example of integrity like Capsule Corp supposively is." Master Shen said as his tree trunk landed on the lawn of Oscorp. Carefully, he snuck into the large corporation and made his way upstairs to the executive offices. In one of the room, he noticed Harry Osborn laying in his bedroom, peacefully asleep.

"Heh heh, I might use Norman's son to my advantage if I run into any trouble." Shen snickered as he passed by. Norman's office was not far as he entered the room, looking around for any surprises.

Without any hiccups, Shen managed to make his way to Norman's computer. He was grateful for the lack of security, but there was an eerie sensation around the office and complex. In fact, the cameras weren't even following him, as if they had been turned off.

"Now let's see what Mr. Osborn had done with the Green Goblin's body." Shen said to himself as he booted the computer to life. Thankfully, he did not have go through a password protection as the computer automatically brought Shen to a full page. He made a mental note to make sure Tien, Chiaotzu, himself, and the rest of the Crane School had to learn more about computers since they were a useful tool in this regard.

Just then the office phone rang, halting Shen in his tracks. He was curious as to who was calling so late at night. It could have been a solicitor or....this caller might have some dirt on Norman. Eventually, the call when to voice-mail, revealing who the caller was.

"Hey Norman, it is the Tournament Announcer. I still can't believe how Vemon's battle with Rescue went." The Announcer said with a chuckle. "Anyway I wanted to see how you're doing. You seemed very unlike yourself. Anyway, got to prepare for the semi-finals tomorrow. I honestly can't wait for the rematch between the symbiotes and for Violet's match against Tien. Maybe I will have some ice cream waiting for Harry. Hope you're feeling better, because we have a big day tomorrow."

With that the message ended, leaving a blinking red light on the top of the device. Shen was a little disappointed, not being able to find any dirt on Norman that way. Then again, he should have expected nothing crucial to come out of the Tournament Announcer's mouth. It only reminded him to check up with Tien in regards to his fight with Violet. Even after being trained by Roshi, he didn't expect any of Carlton Drake's Red Ribbon officers to make it that far since they had to mostly rely on his brother Tao for the more superpowered involved missions. Maybe Krillin was weaker than he thought.

Now resuming his business, Shen scanned the home page to see which app was of more importance. His eyes widened as he found document with the name "For_the_Great_Master_Shen." Goosebumps traveled up his spine, his mind going through all the possible scenarios on why and how this document was here. The most likely scenario is that this was all a trap, but by whom and how did Norman know he was coming. If it was a trap, he had to spring it if he wanted to avoid the Kingpin's wrath.

"Down the rabbit hole it is. Let's see what you got Norman." Shen said as he opened the file. The only item in there was a video recording with the name "Rebirth." Clicking on it, it revealed a video recording of a secret laboratory. The first thing his eyes focused on was the deceased corpse of the Green Goblin, laying lifeless on a metal operating table. A few seconds passed by as two more figured strolled towards the death body. One was Norman and the other was a scientist he did not recognize. Since the sound was off, the only identification he can tell was the scientist's last name stamped on his lab coat, Connors.

After a minute or two, Norman picked up a needle to take a blood sample of the demon's blood and injected himself with it. Fear engulfed Shen as Norman began to transform into an exact replica of the Green Goblin, only his hair grew out and turned purple, a side effect of now being part human. He attacked Connors as the now demon blood covered scientist was launched into a nearby containment center full of lizards. He sat back in horror has the Green Goblin cackled triumphantly at his rebirth.

"Oh dear Kami. He's alive. The Green Goblin is alive." Shen turned from the screen in horror. What he did not see as the video cut short was the Goblin looking fearfully at the reptile containment as a large scaled humanoid arm punching through the glass as if it was nothing.

"Did you like the movie? I should have set aside some buttered popcorn, but it would have gotten cold waiting for you." Came a voice from shadows as the Green Goblin stepped into view, giving an evil grin towards his way.

"What!?" Shen exclaimed as he backed away. "You have been here the whole time!?"

"Of course! Don't you think with the security cameras off and night staff taking the day off, I would be lurking around? This way people wouldn't hear wild stories of how a martial artist master got attacked in a high tech facility by a demonic lab experiment gone wrong." The Goblin snickered.

"You really think you can defeat me?" Shen asked as he got into his fighting stance, but he knew in his heart and mind he couldn't beat him. He was just trying to show strength and resolve in the current situation. He knew from experience that the Green Goblin loved to employ psychological tactics, so putting on a brave face was a symbol of defiance against his opponent.

"BWAH HAH HAHA HAH!!! That's funny! You barely had a chance when you had Roshi, Mutaito, the Red Skull, and even my father Piccolo were against me. What makes you think you can do it alone? Your own student Tien is more powerful and even he, Chiaotzu, and Venom were no match for me!" Gobby stated.

"You were able to harm all three of them?!" Shen exclaimed.

"Allll at once!" The Goblin said as he did a small dance and a mock bow. "The only thing that stopped me from killing your two best slaves was to get ready for you. The true guest of honor."

"I will let the world know you are still alive. The world will be against you once again." Shen replied.

"I would love a personal world war, trust me I would. However, it will be on my terms alone, and I can't have any spoilers at the moment. I wouldn't want the mice to start chewing on your feet." The Green Goblin said. "Even if you did escape, it's not like anyone would believe a known liar, frantically proclaiming that a demon with high tech weaponry is going around spelling doom for everyone."

"Not if I can help it." Shen said as he charged forward, trying to deliver a punch. However, the Green Goblin simply caught it and twisted the hand. Shen cried out in pain as the Goblin lifted him up and threw him through a wall.

"Really? Was that your best shot? The only thing you have proven is that Atlanteans are not the only ones who don't know the concept of a door." The Green Goblin said, giving a disappointed smile.

"I can do this all day." Shen grimaced as he got up. He didn't like that catchphrase himself but he knew it would unnerve the Goblin.

"Really? Using that boy scout's speech? Here I thought it was beneath you, considering he and Roshi got along famously." The Goblin stated, for the first time his smile has completely disappeared. Any mention of the only human who could go toe to toe with him always had that effect.

"Good. Now who is the master of psychological warfare." Shen snickered in his mind. "Time for the finishing attack."

"Dodon Ray!" Shen cried as he fired the thin beam from his fingertip. For a second there, the master of the Crane School thought he had finished the demon as it hit him square in the forehead. However, the Goblin just started laughing as he was able to tank the blast, only leaving a burnt mark on his forehead that completely healed instantly. Shen's face dropped as he tried to scurry away from his opponent

"Ohhhhh, I get it. Trying to lower my guard by mentioning that creep. Very clever Shenny. I would be proud of you if you weren't scurrying away like the little rat that you are." The Green Goblin said as he approached Shen.

"No! Please don't kill me!" Shen cried as the Goblin picked Shen up by the collar.

"Ohhhh, this will be fun! I am going to slowly torture you for the next 40 hours. Break you mind, body, and soul. Make you wish you were dead. But don't worry, I won't be the one to kill you. I will release you right into the wild, starting on Fisk's doorstep after the tournament is over of course." The Goblin said.

"No! NOOO!!! That means I will be too late! Fisk will kill me for sure!" Shen cried as he got dragged into a hidden elevator by the Green Goblin.

"That's what I'm counting on. He ha he ha HAH HAH HAHAHAHA!!!!!" The Green Goblin cackled as the elevator doors closed, making both deceivers disappear from the world.

The Symbiote Saiyan Book 5:  The Tienshinhan SagaWhere stories live. Discover now