Yamcha vs Chiaotzu

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"Well that was certainly an interesting match wouldn't you say?" The Tournament Announcer said as a majority of the male crowd began to cheer.

"Urgh, men." Rescue scoffed.

"As if you women aren't just as dirty minded. If anything you're more depraved since you hold it all inside. Men at least know not to build it up by expressing their base desires." Jarvis commented.

"Shut up." Bulma growled under her breath.

"Was that even a fight?" Venom asked.

"I don't know Venom, maybe it was though I didn't see either one of them attack each other." Goku stated.

"It's called a dance ya big lug." Launch said.

"That was a dance? Hmmm, can we try that Launch? It seemed fun." Goku stated, making steam pour out of the Rescue suit.

"Temper Bulma." Jarvis warned.

"I'm trying." Bulma growled as she clutched her teeth. Wolverine and Krillin at this moment were backing away with the later much more fearful than the former.

"I am sorry Goku, but you need to be a lot taller if you want to dance with a grown woman. I am sure you can get there in time. Probably sooner than later." Launch recommended.

"Someone is finally using our advise." Pistole growled.

"Shut the hell up." Launch retaliated in her head.

"If the problem is height then we have no problems taking over for Goku." Venom stated.

"The difference is age, not height genius. You have to hit puberty first if you don't want it to look weird." Krillin said, but he regretted his comment after feeling Bulma's icy glare through the Rescue helmet.

"So the kid found out about Bulma during his escapade to the hospital. I suppose something good came out of being beaten to a bloody pulp by that Crossbones guy." Wolverine thought.

"Puberty? Yeah, Launch and Bulma told me something about that. During the plane ride with Fortuneteller Baba and that Ghost Usher guy, Launch kept muttering in her sleep as to how she was going to have some kind of fun. In her dream, I must been older." Goku said.

"W-!!!!!!!" Bulma tried to screech, but her voice was immediately muted by Jarvis. When she tried to flail her limbs in protest, Jarvis had to cut off access to the suit's mobility so she would not draw attention to herself.

"Jarvis! Let me go! I am going to beat that blonde bimbo!" Bulma screamed.

"Not until you calm yourself. If you are this worked up over a dream, what do you think is going to happen if it's the real deal?" Jarvis reasoned. "Besides, the way you are reacting, you are going to blow your own cover and I don't think that's wise."

"Ooooo, someone had a saucy dream." Said an intrigued Violet.

"Wow, you really must be into V-" Yamcha tried to say before getting interrupted.

"Shut the hell up!" Launch screamed as she decked Yamcha across the face, making Venom and Violet laugh. Even Matt Murdock gave a little chuckle as Tien looked amazed at Launch's reaction, blushing a little.

"Tien, are you okay? You look like you have a fever." Chiaotzu asked in a worried way.

"It's fine Chiaotzu. I'm alright." Tien reassured his best friend.

"That's Launch for you." Ranfan commented, though she was officially into Violet far more now.

"Wow. Mr Nam, is that the woman who beat you during the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament? She does fit your description." Storm asked.

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