What Makes A Villain

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"Mr. Fisk." Jack said as entered Fisk's private room as he viewed Goku teaching Harry Osborn the Kamehamha during their match. He turned around to find Jack's face with more sorrow than fear. The Kingpin knew what this meant.

"Take me to him." Fisk simply said.

A few minutes later, in the restroom...

"I found him like this. I am sorry for your loss Mr. Fisk. Mr. Wesley was a great employee." Jack said as the Kingpin knelt down to the deceased James Wesley. Wilson looked into his eyes, knowing his best friend's last moments were of dreadful surprise and pain. Whoever did this wanted it to be quick enough where he could not be noticed but long enough where Wesley would know what true suffering was like.

"Tell me Jack. Do you have any friends?" Wilson asked, still on his knees looking into James' face.

"I may have two or three Mr. Fisk." Jack confirmed.

"You know, nearly head of crime I have come across would say that having any friends would be a liability. That is true to an extent, having too many friends can lead to a compromising situation. However, having no friends at all would be just as much of a liability to one's state of mind. That is why outside family, I have chosen to have just one friend. Mr. Wesley was that friend...and now he is gone." The Kingpin said as he observed the wound that tore through Wesley's spine. Gazing down, he noticed a particular parchment lying at his side. Picking it up, he turned the parchment over to find the Crane emblem printed in bold.

"So Shen was involved, or at least it appears to be. The wound suggests that he was hit with the Dodon Ray, something only Tienshinhan, Chiaotzu, Master Shen, and Mercenary Tao would know. While there are a handful of people like Taskmaster who are skilled at mimicking such attacks by simply observing, I highly doubt that is the case. I think it's time I have Master Shen pay a visit to me." Fisk thought.

"Go outside and call the Papaya Island officers on my payroll. Make sure Mr. Hessing of the forensics department examines the body since he is the one of the few in this world with experience in deaths caused by ki. Have them come when Rescue is done with her match. Do you understand?" The Kingpin instructed.

"Of course Mr. Fisk." Jack said as he walked out the door.

After a couple of seconds of silence, the Kingpin slowly walked out of the bathroom and slowly made his way upstairs. On his way up, he heard whispers from the crowd about how Norman Osborn's son Harry had a health related accident but that did not penetrate his mind at that moment. Finally making his way to his private showbox, Fisk approached the only window in this sound proof room that overlooked the entire crowd of fighters below.

"Leave me." Fisk ordered without turning to his five bodyguards stationed behind him. One by one, the bodyguards did as he instructed with the last one closing the door behind him. Now alone, Fisk let all of his emotions rise to the surface, unleashing an overdue and devastating primal scream.


"That poor boy." Turtle said as he, Master Roshi, Oolong, Puar, Fortuneteller Baba, and Ghost Usher watched from the witch's crystal ball as Harry fell on his knees in the midst of being taught the Kamehamha by Goku.

"For Kami's sake, I wish we can do something to help." Oolong said.

"I don't think we can. That boy only has a little time left." Roshi said, before sensing a wave of energy flow out of the indoor tournament complex.

"What's going on now?" Ghost Usher asked.

"Don't tell me it's that power that reminded you of Demon King Piccolo." Baba commented to her brother.

The Symbiote Saiyan Book 5:  The Tienshinhan SagaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ