Krillin vs. Man-Wolf

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"A BATTLE ROYALE!!!" Everyone except Daredevil, Chiaotzu, and Wolverine shouted with surprise. Even Bulma didn't even know about this change in the rules.

"You heard me right! A battle royale!" The Tournament Announcer shouted. Norman Osborn smiled a little, the only one in on this surprise.

"Looks like your tournament investor buddies failed to tell you this." Jarvis commented.

"YOU THINK!?!?" Rescue shouted, though thankfully no one was paying attention to her antics.

"Wait! A battle royale for every block?" Yamcha asked, still in shock as to what was going on.

"Stupid Hayden Crywalker. He looks just as shocked as Baby Face Palpatine after we stole the four star ball from him." Pistole said, of course talking about last year's encounter with Emperor Pilaf, Mai/Vendetta, and Shu after the trio escaped the clutches of Mister Sinister and his mutant henchman Sauron.

"That's correct Wor-err I mean Yamcha! You will be facing off against several others of your caliber." The Announcer replied.

Tien's face turned into a smirk. He would enjoy breaking a few more limbs than expected.

"Well, let's see if Bullseye can handle this sort of challenge." James Wesley said to his employer.

"There is no cause for concern. I may not be a religious man, but I have faith that Mr. Shinhan would thrive in such a occasion." Wilson Fisk reassured his friend.

"Don't worry Mr. Nam, you will do great." Young Storm said, giving her protector a beaming smile.

"Remember Storm, life is full of many uncertainties. We won't know until much later how I fair." Nam said, hoping his sage words would be instilled into the mutant child.

"YES!!! This will be one big org-" Violet jokingly cheered, but was interrupted by Rescue's screeching mic, causing some pain to everyone's eardrums. Especially the agonized Venom and Pistole, whose hosts were also in the same kind of torment.

"THE HEARING!!!!!" Venom and Goku roared in pain as he produced several tentacles that bursted out and waved uncontrollably.

"THAT BITCH IS GOING TO PAY!!!" Pistole roared in anguish as she did the same thing as Venom. It was clear that the difference was that she was ready to retaliate against Rescue for hurting herself and Venom. All in due time.

"Sorry about that!" Rescue frantically said as she stumbled to readjust her mic. She did feel guilty, or at least towards Venom, but she knew Violet's mouth and it was worth the risk.

"Good thing I'm still human and have Osborn at the wheel." Growled an agitated Green Goblin from within Norman's mind. The Goblin's ears would have definitely not been able to withstand the sonic attack in his true form.

"Huh. Rescue has the same timing as Bulma. Wonder if she did that on purpose too." Violet asked herself before she moved her eyes back to where Krillin's group was.

"Alright fighters of Block A, it's time to begin the match!" The Tournament Announcer shouted. "All you have to do is step onto the ring and wait for the bell to ring. Then you can start the match. If a person gets knockout or thrown out of the ring, then they are disqualified. Remember, there is no killing so any lethal force will only get you thrown out of the tournament!"

"Come on Krillin! You can kick every butt of every loser in this joint!" Launch cheered.

"Awwww, we wish can beat up Baldo Baggins." Pistole moaned.

"Don't worry Pistole, we always have the Swine to beat up since he is not participating in the tournament." Venom reassured her through the hive mind.

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