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"I don't understand" Crystal shook her head, finding it hard to believe my words. "Who is she?"


Her eyes goes wide in shock but I can also see the confusion in her eyes as she looks around the room. Do I really have to tell her about Alyona?I can't turn back now anyway.

She turns around to face me "What Happened to her?"

"She died"

She frowns deeply "Is that all you want to tell me about?"

I lift her up and sit her down on the sofa, before sitting beside her.

"Alyona and I grew up together, we were the best of friends. But I loved her, call it a crush but I indeed loved her. I asked her out when we were 14, and she said yes. I was the happiest when I finally got the girl I loved. She never judged me even knowing the kind of family I'm from. I was raped by my uncle when I was eight, she was the one who pulled me out of the dark place I was in. Being with her for a year made me so happy, but I know nothing lasts forever. I remembered being pulled out of my room by one of my dad's men. He dragged me down to the basement. I was surprised, Alyona was naked and chained. It was a fucking horrifying sight for me"

She rest her hand on my thigh "You don't have to continue,I know this is hard for you"

I Shake my head "I have to,I need to get this off my chest" she nod so I continued "Vera and I were forced to make a choice, the life of Alyona and Vera best friend, over the life of mom and Egor. I was so pissed off at my mom for all the things she did to me, but she was still my mom after all,and I could never let anything happen to her. Father placed a gun in Vera and I hand,I have never taken a life,no matter how father tried to forced me or trained me bitterly. He asked as to switch side,with tears in my eyes I shot Vera best friend, and Vera shot Alyona. I ran over to Alyona bringing her down and hold her close to me,she cried in my arms. She died, taking my humanity with her. At that very moment,I didn't care about others pain, I feel an immense pleasure knowing that I caused someone pain,I was never like this"

I was surprised as Crystal crawled over to my lap,my body goes stiff. She cups my face giving me a warm smile.

"You haven't lost your humanity Ivan, you just have to find it. I can still see it in you, it will take time but I am sure you will get it back" she spoke softly caressing my face.

I sighed "I have to show you something first, after seeing it you will decide for yourself if it's worth getting my humanity back"

She nodded and I lift her up in my arms, and carry her out of the room. I open the trophy room and switch on the light, she screams loudly clutching unto my shirt tightly.

"Just breath Baby doll, they are no longer alive"

She looks at me with tears in her eyes "These are human parts, you don't get to place them in here as a trophy"

I carry her to my very first trophy, the head of my bastard uncle.

"This is my uncle, he raped me. Mother was fully aware of it, she claims it's to make me a better man. When I became don at 18,he was the first person I haunted down and killed, this is his head. I was proud of myself, knowing I finally got revenge on the person who destroyed me"

She nods slowly "What about this?"

I chuckled at what she pointed "That is his dick, he used it on me. Men like him deserves it"

"Yours should also be cut off then" she spoke timidly.

"Baby doll"

She shakes her head "Please get me out of here, I feel dizzy just by staring at the dead parts in here"

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