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Strengthening my collar, I nod at Egor and he opens the door. Mario kart walks in with his men and we shake hands.

"Nice meeting you again Ivan Dimitri"

I nod and we both sit "I believe my money has been transferred"

"Yes, now is time for your end of the deal"

I smirked "Egor, have it gotten to my account?"


Mario frowns "What do you mean by no?I did the transfer last night"

I twirl my finger on the table "Are you trying to betray me Mario?"

"I would never do that, I want peace between us. So I wouldn't do anything to ruin it"

I laughed and Egor knew exactly what to do,in about five seconds. His men were killed by my own, Mario was enraged and he points his gun at me.

"You are too chicken to be the head of a gang, your father left a fool in charge"

"Your father killed my father for betraying him. All I ever wanted was a treaty between us"

I chuckled "Treaty?oh come on Mario!you can't be that stupid. Going against the Russian mafia is death for all your generation,my father killed your father,now I am going to kill you. I won't harm your son, because my own son will kill him"

He fires bullets at my men and tried to make a run for it. But martakis shot his leg and he groans in pain.

"Take him to the basement" i ordered.

They nodded and I sit back down on my chair,I turn the camera on in Crystal room. She was reading a book, she has a bandage around her head and it brought a smile to my face seeing the damage I caused her.

The door to my office suddenly slam opened,I shut my laptop with a frown.

"Don, I am back" he grins.

"What brings you here Alfred?"

He looks around the office "So many dead bodies? What caused a ruckus in here?"

"Mario kart"

He grins "I knew you would take care of him"

"I am going down to the basement in a bit. But first of all I have to tell you about your new job for me"

He groans "Come on don, I just got back from my two months break"

"I gave you leave for two months, yet here you are whining"

"I am sorry Don. What do you desire of me?"

"You are going to be my wife personal bodyguard"

He gasps "You finally got the bitch! Why wasn't I invited to your wedding?"

"It was nothing of importance, just do as I say."

"Why would she need a bodyguard?"

"She tends to do stupid things, I don't want her doing some stupid stuffs. Like trying to run away"

He nods "When do I get to meet her?"

I stand up "After I take care of that piece of shit"

We make our way to the basement and the door was opened for us.

"Ivan!!!!!you fucking pig!!!"

I take off my blazer and hand it to Alfred. I walk over to where the toys was and grab an axe,I make my way back to him with a smirk on my face.

In The Arms of Ivan DimitriWhere stories live. Discover now