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I have this feeling deep in my heart that something is wrong and everyone is lying to me, but I just can't figure out what it is they are keeping from me.

I don't know how long I have stayed here,or how long I stayed in coma. Everyone refuse to tell me, gosh I think I might go crazy.

"Good morning ma" the nurse greeted.

"I need to use the bathroom"

She nodded assisting me up,my ankles hurts like hell and she sits me down on a wheelchair, wheeling me into the bathroom. She helps me sit on the toilet, before leaving the bathroom.

I did my business, and was able to sit back down on the wheelchair and wash my hands. My baby, is really a fighter to be able to survive the fall with me,I place my hand on my stomach sighing.

"Ma,it's time to go back" the nurse spoke returning into the bathroom.

She wheels me back to the room, and helped me lie back down on the bed. I felt bored, I just couldn't watch her as she does her checkup,I have to clear my doubts.

"How long did I stay in coma?"

"Two weeks ma, then you woke up and went back to coma again. And awoke again two days later" she replies.

I nodded "How is my baby's health?"

"Very good ma. As long as you get better fully,your baby will be safe and healthy"

I smiled softly "How long has it been since I woke up?"

"Four days ma,you will be discharged in two days. Don's order"

My eyes widened,I don't want to leave here. If I do,I will have no choice but to return to the monster himself,I can't stay in that house anymore. The nightmare is getting worst,I wake up in the middle of the night screaming, remembering that horrifying night.

"Ma,you are crying"

I sniffle wiping the stray tear off "What is your name?"

"Polina ma"

I nodded "You look young to be a nurse"

She smiles "I am not young ma,I am almost 30"

I gasped "Seriously?but you look 18"

She giggles "Thanks ma,I get that a lot. Well I have to go,I have a lot of things to do. I will be back later to check up on you"


She grabs her chart smiling at me before leaving the room. I sighed welcoming the silence the room brings me,I feel so lonely right now,with no one to talk to.

The door push open and Alfred enters,I sighed knowing he bought flowers for me again. I hate flowers, it makes me feel Worthy of myself when I am not. I am just someone who was used and betrayed by her family,I don't deserve anything good from anyone.

"Ma" he says softly placing the flowers on the table.

"Alfred, can you get me something else next time aside from flowers?"

He frowns "I thought you liked flowers?"

"I did,not anymore. I am grateful for it,but it's getting pretty tiring staring at it. I am so bored, I need to do something"

"Do you want to watch a movie?play a game?"

I groaned deeply "No,how about a book?I
Want to read a book."

"What genre? I will get it for you"

I grinned "Romance, something related to a sad ending or a tragic ending."

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