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I didn't sleep at all last night, that monster slept soundly beside me and all I wanted to do at that moment was to run away. But I knew deep inside that i wouldn't get far.

He slowly wakes up and his gaze meets mine, he knits his brows and I gulped.

"What did I ask you to do before I went to bed?" He asks sternly.

"S-sleep" I stuuter.

He grabs my wrist tightly "I gave you an order, yet you defied me"

"I was-nt sle-epy"

"Stop STUTTERING!!" He yells and he slaps me hard on my face.

I sob "I am sorry"

He lets go of my wrist and runs his fingers through his hair "I will be home late today, I want you to prepare dinner for me"

"I c-ant walk"

He shrugs standing up from the bed "I don't care how you do it. But I want you to prepare dinner for me"

"Okay" I weakly respond.

He just walk out of the room without another word. I sniffle as I touch my face softly, it hurts all my body hurts.

I bring out my phone from under my pillow and saw it was 6:39 in the morning. That means it will probably be 11 or 12 in new York, but still I wish to speak with someone. So I dial Lauren number, it rang twice but she didn't pick up which means she was asleep. So I dial Mila number and she picked up immediately.

"Finally! I thought you were never going to call me" she exclaimed.

I chuckled softly "I missed you too Mila,ever so dramatic"

"How is marriage life working for you?"

I tighten my hold on the phone with just the mention of my marriage "Working fine Mila"

"You don't sound so fine Crystal,is anything wrong?" She asks with worry in her voice.

"Yeah,i am just exhausted. Being a wife can't be easy,you know what I mean" I lied and I have no idea why I aren't saying the truth.

"Oh my gosh!!!! You bloody bitch,you aren't a virgin anymore! How does it feel?was he good?how big is he?" She squeals.

Silent tears leave my eyes "I will call you back"

Before she could reply,I cut the call . Sob rip out of me and I clutch unto my shirt tightly. I saved myself up for my husband who I will love for the rest of my life, and now it was taken away by a monster and I can never get it back.


I woke up to shuffling around the room. I slowly open my eyes and came face to face with a Blondie staring at me.

"You are awake. I am Katherine" she smiles.

I sit up groaning "Why are you here?"

"Your husband asked me to keep you company, and I have alot of things in mind" she replies walking over to my window and open the blindfold.

"I don't need company,I wish to be alone"

She sighs and sits beside me on the bed "Look, I am not a bad person. I really want to get to know you,I have no one else to talk to except Egor and my daughter. All the female around here are either snubbish or gossipers, I know you aren't like them"

"How do you know that?"

She shrugs "You remind me of someone,a friend of mine. Her name is Chloe, everyone thought she was weak but in the end she showed everyone that they are wrong about her"

In The Arms of Ivan DimitriWhere stories live. Discover now