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My eyes slowly opens and I stretched my sore body. I yawned getting up from the floor and the place felt familiar to me and also distant at the same time.

"Ouch!" I groaned when my feet pierced into something. I take a step back and saw it was a knife, who would stuck a knife in the middle of nowhere?.

I ignored my bloody feet, and walk around the place. Soon I found a house, which was very familiar to me. I push open the door and I heared a very loud scream, I limp to where the sound was and saw a girl falling down from the stairs, she was bleeding as I rush over to her. I looked up seeing a man who looks familiar but I can't seem to remember where I knew him from, he just turns around and go back to the stairs.

I run towards the girl "I am going to get you help, you have to pull yourself together. You will be fine"

She coughs out blood and I was about to stand up when she grabs my wrist. I frowned looking at her and she looks exactly like me.

"Y-you have to wake up, it's not your time yet"

I shake my head confused "I don't understand,what do you mean by that?you need help and I am going to get it"

"Pull yourself together Crystal, you have to wake up. Listen to his voice and find your way home"

"Whose voice??"

She place her finger on my lips "Listen, just close your eyes and listen"

I nodded shutting my eyes slowly. I couldn't hear any voice and she place her hand on my chest and I heard it.

"Please baby doll, open your eyes. You have to wake up, I miss you. I want to make it up to you, I will never harm you again. I will grant any of your wishes, just please wake up Baby doll, you have to fight for your life.

I gasped opening my eyes and looked around and saw the girl was no longer there. A bright light suddenly shone on my face, I stood up following his voice. I walk slowly into the bright light shutting my eyes.

My eyes slowly opens and the sound of a monitor was all I could hear.


My eyes widened seeing him, fear gripped me and I clutch tightly unto the sheet. He touches my face softly and the fear intensifies.

"Crystal, I won't hurt you again. Please don't be scared of me"

How can I not be scared of you? After all the things you did to me, you expect me to not be afraid of you? You won't hurt me again?what a sick joke.

"I will be right back, I am going to inform your doctor" he says getting up and leaving the room.

My baby, how is my baby? I could feel my heart rate quicken just by the thoughts of that. Take a deep breath Crystal, you are fine so your baby should be fine.

He soon returns with a doctor, and two nurses. I zoomed out on the routine and just nodded to some questions he asked.

"When will she be able to talk? Do you think that she can be discharged in a week time?"

The doctor cross his arms "It all depends on her will to speak, she will need a wheelchair for a while. So if you wish for her to be discharged in a week time, I will have a nurse stay with her till she recovers fully"

The monster just nodded, sitting close to me again. The doctor bows his head leaving the room along with his nurses.

"Baby doll"

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