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Your sister is a wonderful being, both inside and out. She has the dark humor of the trauma from growing up, she's a complete nerd as well. Things like DnD and Marvel are common topics that are talked about. You both enjoy the same type of music, even showing her a lot of it.

But she never really understood your fascination and obsession with K-pop in general. She would always ask, "How do you know what they're saying?" And you always responded with, "Lyric videos." Even if it wasn't the whole truth. You can feel the emotions and words in what is written, depending on the group. You can hear the sorrow or pain or even happiness from these humans voices, to the point where it resonates so deeply inside of you you can't breathe.

One group in particular caught your attention years ago, and it sent you down the rabbit hole that is K-music. Granted now, you've broadened your horizons and you have multiple favorites.. but they will never be the same or have the same feeling as that first group.

So when your sister tells you that she's going to South Korea and study abroad, you can't help but feel a slight pang of jealousy. You sister knows how you have it on your bucket list to at least be there once in your life. How you want to enjoy the culture and the people around you. How you want to learn more about the area in general, to be able to respect a culture to its finest. She knows how you've been self studying the Korean language, and she knows why.

But while feeling all of these things, you can't help but feel proud of your sister for doing something like this. Honored that she told you. Happy that she's going to send you multiple pictures that you know for a fact won't do the city any justice. Proud that she's going to broaden her learning to the point of joining a community she knows nothing much about.

But what you weren't expecting was the hell that unfolded when she got back home. You weren't expecting the amount of joy and embarrassment that became of her return.

Your best friend is almost exactly like you. Same interest, same way of talking, same humor. There's really not much difference between the two of you, other than physically. Of course, you both enjoy different groups but meet in the middle with some.

Your best friend and your sister get along wonderfully, something you've never really been shy about when talking about the combo. Your best friend has shown so much to your sister, you've started to wonder who the bigger influence is. It's gotten to the point of your best friend and sister having their own inside jokes.. but you can't help but feel complete when you think about all of you together.

If only you could have prepared for what was to come, for both yourself and your best friend.


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