𝗍һіr𝗍ᥡ - 𝖿ᥲᥡᥱ

Start from the beginning

Maybe that was it.

Her beauty.

Her beauty could replace a thousand words.

As I scanned her body, I noticed a blue glow.  Kai's ring.

He was still wearing it.

He was still wearing it while feeling another girl up.

He was still wearing it while he unbuttoned her shirt some more.

He was still wearing it while he cupped the girl's face to kiss her.

He was still wearing it as he absolutely destroyed me.

That's the funny thing about love.  One moment, you're on top of the world, and the next, you're nothing.

I quietly slipped off the ring on my finger and the necklace around my neck, setting them both on his dresser.

Maybe he'll be able to keep his hands off the girl long enough to see the lack of my presence.

I gently shut his door and walked down the stairs.

"Leaving so soon?" Kai's mom asked curiously.

"He's busy," my response was clipped, but what was I supposed to say 

I got into my car, so ready to go home.  But I couldn't.  My mess was still out in the field.

The drive there was completely silent.  Even my mind.  Everything was silent.

I parked in the grass due to the lack of parking and stumbled into the field.

I picked up the basket and set the things inside one by one.

The cider.

The mini cupcakes.

The strawberries.

The ham and cheese croissant sandwiches I spent hours making them because I wanted to learn how to make croissants from scratch.

The necklace.

I took the basket with the contents and stood, staring down at the blanket.  The blanket he'd gotten me.

He was everywhere.

He was everything.

And he was gone.

I slammed the basket down, uncaring of all the glass inside of it.

He didn't deserve me.

He didn't deserve my love.

Yet I still craved for his.

Another funny thing about love is how it can take your heart and tear it apart.  Piece.  By.  Piece.  Every waking second it breaks more but you still find yourself in the same position.  Wishing everything would just go back to the way it was and everything is fine.

But it's not fine.

It never was fine.

I sunk down onto my knees, taking the blanket to my hands.

It smelt like him.

I won't cry. 

I'm not going to allow myself to cry.

I sat there, inhaling his scent, wishing I had never planned this stupid date for our stupid anniversary.

I stood up from the grass, taking everything and walking back to the car.

Don't cry.

You can't cry.

Don't cry.

I drove home in more silence.  But the silence wasn't silence anymore. 

It was filled with noise.

Yet no noise at all.

I pulled into the familiar driveway.  My mother wasn't home, but Matteo was.

I closed the door behind me, and the familiar sense of home made me sink down.  I felt the first tear roll down my cheek.

Don't cry.

Then the next tear.

Then the next.

Then the next.

Then the next.

I got on my knees and began sobbing.  I gasped for breath every waking second.

Everything in me was numb, yet filled with such emotion.

I couldn't feel anything.  I just sobbed.  And sobbed.  And sobbed.

I heard crashes over the loud screams of my rapid breathing.

Matteo was by my side within milliseconds after the crash.

He held me so tight, suffocating me after my already lost breath.

I cried so hard into his shoulder.

Not once did he ask what happened.

Not once did he try to tell me it would all be okay.  He didn't know.

Not once did he pull away.

Neither did I.


After my sobs so gradually turned to sniffles, I was too tired to move.  I collapsed into Matteo's arms.

It felt as if hours passed by.

Matteo scooped me up and took me upstairs, setting me on my bed.  He pulled the covers over my frail body and kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight, Faye."

And he left me alone.

They all leave me alone.

QOTD: Who's your favorite "book boyfriend/girlfriend"? (Can be Wattpad or not)

Word Count: 1297

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