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• Mikey wanted to bake cookies with you

• before he met you he left it all up to his sister
to do and went out with his friends

• When he got back he would devour the cookies one by one

• but this year was different
The first year of your relationship together and you've always had a tradition to bake for the snowy holiday

• Sugar cookies, cheesecake, gingerbread, anything that could be decorated into the Christmas theme

• Gingerbread was perfect

• It was hectic baking with Mikey

• He was eating the dough before and after the eggs

• he had ' accidentally' dumped 4 cups of flour in the bowl instead of 2
This led to you guys having to double almost triple the recipe😭😭

• After his so called mistake you refused to let him pour in ingredients so Manjiro was left with the job of mixing

• He enjoyed it though and thought it was more fun than measuring

•He was eating so much of the batter you had to save him a small ball to munch on as the gingerbread men and women baked

• The instructions stated that you must let the gingerbreads cool before icing and decorating them
But Sano Manjiro had another idea...

• Fresh out the oven Mikey started decorating his cookie due to impatience
You honestly saw it coming when he finished eating his raw dough

• Although his looked funky compared to the rest that cooled he still enjoyed it

• So here you guys are on Christmas Eve; cuddled up and watching the Home Alone Series 


• He's used to spending his Christmas in the brothel

• he finds a way to somehow occupy himself though like playing video games

• but when he met you it changed

• You're such a productive person Draken found himself being twisted into your own schedule

• This includes the holidays

• there was nothing better than spending Christmas with your family

• at first Draken was reluctant because he didn't want to invade your family
But your mom was so persistent

• You explained to Draken that on Christmas Eve you have dinner with your dad and his family

• then on Christmas Day your with your mom and her side of the family

• Your mom treated Draken as her son the moment you told her he was your boyfriend

• you could see the tears in her eyes when you told her Draken didn't have any family

• Now he spends every holiday with your family to the point where your cousins, aunts, uncles, niece's, and nephews know him

• Your mom is a fantastic cook too

• Every dish is so good even Mikey was jealous of him when he showed him the " takeout" containers

• Years later into adulthood, you and Draken still go to your moms house for Christmas


• Christmas Day Baji was stuck with his mom as much as you

• she would cook a shit ton and be dammed if he even mentions going  out

• he spends his Christmas with his mom opening presents, helping her bake, and being a mommas boy

• then after dinner and cleaning on both ends the FaceTime call finally comes in

• both of you slumped on your bed and just talking
Literally chatting about anything and everything

• Typically you talk till night time but this year is different

• Baji's mom decided that she wanted to watch her little tv show as she ate dessert
And she didn't make Baji watch with her

• matter or fact she said he could do whatever he wanted for the time she planned on spending with the tv

• Baji's immediate thought was to tell you the good news

• he didn't tell his Friends in case they were available to link but he told you

• so you told your mom that you're gonna eat desert and talk to Baji

• So here you were on FaceTime both of you eating cheesecake in different flavours

• ironic

•  Baji's day simply became better when he saw your face

• You were wearing a  cute sweater dress and your hair was curled at the tips

• you both looked very Christmas looking

• especially Baji with his yearly Christmas sweater that matched his mothers

• All in all you guys might not be together but you find a way by the end of the day


• Mitsuya spent Christmas Eve with you and his sisters, and spent Christmas Day with his mom and sisters

• His mother worked Christmas Eve and would get home in the night time

• throughout the day you would be the one following Mitsuya as he went store to store

• one of his sisters held one of your hands and the other held your second one

• you watched as Mitsuya helped his mother out by doing last minute groceries for her

• or buying decorations so his mother would be more lively when she gets back

• you guys literally looked liked a married couple doing family shopping with the kids

• mitsuya was definitely the productive one in your relationship

• he didn't once go on his phone or answer calls besides his mothers

• fast forward into your adult years and this hasn't changed

• for Christmas both you and Mitsuya go last minute grab shopping every year on the eve of the holiday

• you laugh and enjoy each other presence

• wearing fancy fur jackets and matching themed outfits that Mitsuya himself designed

• You enjoy each other's presence like a married couple

Because that's what you are

Because that's what you are

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She speaks


Enjoy the holiday and cheer❤️

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