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A serpent was what you were.

You were revenge in its utmost beauty. The way you stood behind your boss like you were loyal, like you were going to serve him. With the way your eyes lingered on Mikey, as if you were speaking to him but in another language.  You thrived off the pain you caused to other men.

You were unmatched.

Nothing could amount to the power you held with every stride you took. That was why Bonten hired you specifically to take out your own boss—who just happened to sadly be their biggest rival.

You were horrifyingly beautiful.

So beautiful that when Ran Haitani was met with such a pretty face, he couldn't control himself. The urge to be in-between your smooth legs took over all his senses. The urge to dominate you, hold all control over you—the urge was strong. But as he looked into those eyes, he could tell that you held a thousand secrets. It was beautiful, the look on your face. But there was something— a dead voice that screamed at him to get away.

A serpent waiting to pounce on its next prey.

You were sly, awfully cunning, and you had mastered the art of sex. Only one man was ever able to see through the act that you had skilfully put up. Sano Manjiro. The leader of the organization that wants your bosses head.
He was the only man to ever be able to tell that you were out for blood. The art of sex.  Meaningless sex that ended with blood soaking the bed and a brick of cash in your pockets. Cold lips of your latest victim that you kissed with such passion. You reeked of perfume to cover the smell of blood that remained on your skin. The red that tainted your hands almost every night.

You are a menace.

A heart of stone that pierced through others to get one thing in the end. You had no loyalty to anyone. Not even the man that gave you the most wealthiest life in a filthy return—To kill every man that was too close for his liking.
You gave no loyalty in the end, only after one thing that gave you the most pleasure. Money, money, money, blood. It was all you knew, and whoever could give you the most of it was who you agreed to acquaintance with.

You were a liar.

Every pillow talk that you ever engaged in was just lies to coax your victim into their last rest.

You were a monster.

The cash was all you thought about. The heavy feeling in your hand that left you satisfied despite the grizzly murder you committed at night. You were not under anyones bed like most monsters were, but you were in it. Stabbing each person in their backs as they trusted you would lay quietly beside them. You allowed their hospitality to be the death of them.

As the knife plunged through your bosses heart, you gave him the same smile he encouraged you to give to every other victim.

You were a menace. A beautiful one.

She speaks.

I seriously think I need help...😭😭

Word count: 538

Tumblr: Xngelsau

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