"Hiyaaa.. Ppaannii is angry.." Taeyeon scooted further from her wife.

"It's okay, Tae. She's not angry with you." Angel reassured.

"Are you sure??" Taeyeon asked for confirmation. Angel nodded and eyed Tiffany to smile at Taeyeon.

"I'm okay, Taetae. Your integrity is what matters the most for me." Tiffany half-heartedly said. Taeyeon's grin came back to live seeing Tiffany smiled at her.

"Say, Taeyeon-ah.. Do you still love that Jessica?" Angel continued. She signaled Tiffany to be ready for whatever Taeyeon's answer might be. Tiffany bit her lower lips before nodding weakly.

"Uhm? Jessica?? No no no.. I have stopped loving her since another beautiful creature entered my life." Taeyeon paused, beaming her sincerest smile at the thought of someone familiar.

"And who's that person?" Angel didn't let the question left unanswered.

"It's Tiffany. Tiffany Kim. My love, my life, my universe, my everything." Taeyeon shyly admitted. She blushed and covered her red face with her palms again, much cuter this time.

"Taetae.." Tiffany was taken aback, didn't expect Taeyeon could blurt out some fingers curling words. As far as she concerned, Taeyeon was a timid woman yet romantic inside but it's not everyday she could get a chance to see the romantic side coming out from Taeyeon.

"Well, kindly tell me your love for her, Tae. Make be believe that it's not just words of love that you can give to the woman named Tiffany you've mentioned previously." Angel dared Taeyeon with amusement.

"Why should I tell you? I will only tell the person I love. I may be bad with words but I'm sure she can judge it based on our everyday life, my caring attitude for her, and such. As I've said, she's my universe so my life revolves only around her and her only." Taeyeon smartly answered. The answer made Tiffany secretly smile in satisfaction.

"Smart ass. Then what will you do to let her know that you love her, Tae?" Angel refused to give up. She's almost finished with her art on Tiffany's body anyway so kind as well to use this chance to finish Taeyeon off with her endless questions.

"Ask her and I'm sure she will give you the answer." Taeyeon stuck out her tongue and mocked Angel.

"Hahahhaa.. You really are something, Kim Taeyeon. Okay next question, uhm.. What will you do if someday you found Tiffany's cheating on you? Or what if you encountered her being in love with another? What will you do, Tae?" Angel knew Taeyeon would be panic but she still insisted and asked.

"What?! No!! She can't do that to me! Cheating is totally forbidden and a big no no for me. If she did that then there's nothing I can do but divorcing her. But, Pannii.. You won't do that to me, right? Right?" Taeyeon's eyes started to watery and Angel felt bad to witness it. She regretted her question.

"No!! Of course not, Taetae. I love you too much to even think about that. Don't worry, she's just kidding and yes it was a bad joke." Tiffany threw a deadly glare to Angel.

"But! If one day I found she's in love with another then with a heavy heart, I will let her go." Taeyeon continued. She wiped the corner of her eyes which almost pour out the tears.

"Why? Don't you want her to stay by your side forever? Growing old with her together?" Angel curiously questioned. It's not everyday she could find the woman who could be so giving and loving to the extent of letting go of the person she loved.

"If she doesn't love me anymore then no matter what things or sacrifices I do for her will make a different. I can't make her happy by forcing her to stay with me when I know I'm not the one she loves anymore. It will just hurt her and seeing her being hurt will hurt me too. People say love doesn't have to own, right? Wise ones say that if you love the person, set her/him free. If she/he is return then it means she's/he's the one for you but if not then maybe you're just not meant to be together." Taeyeon trailed a smile. She guided her hand to caress Tiffany's hair.

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