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Me and y/n talk for a bit longer until we both eventually make our way back to the kitchen for breakfast. Just as we walk in we see Wanda cooking something on the stove top. "Hey Wands" I say trying to test the waters to see if she's still upset at me. She turns to look at me and then at y/n.

It looks like a light bulb flashes on in her brain, "are you two serious" she whisper screams. I am very confused so I look over at y/n to see her just as confused as I am. "You slept in her hospital bed?!?" Wanda whispers. I scratch my head and look at y/n. "Maybe" I whisper as well.

"Omg you guys are like Highschool kids, I should not have to keep my eye on you like this" she continues speaking but that's when I see it. a HUGE hickey on the left side of her neck, I gasp. "Omg Wanda" I say with my voice deeper. "Looks like we weren't the only ones having fun last night." I cut her off and her face goes completely red.

"I have no clue what your talking about" she tries to play it cool but it's so easy to tell she's lying. I walk over to her and dip her shirt down enough to see that there are more hickeys all around her neck and the top of her chest. Y/n sees it too and laughs in disbelief. "Wow Wanda, I feel like a proud mom" I say shaking my head.

She pulls her shirt up once again and tries to cover her red face. I step back a bit and y/n steps closer to her to see the marks. "Damn Wanda! Who is the lucky person who made these thing appear" y/n asks with her voice higher pitched. Wanda looks down at her feet with embarrassment.

I can not believe that right after Wanda yelled at us last night for making out in the kitchen, she went and got laid. That's so unfair! It's time for me to go all mom mode on her cus she needs a taste of some of her own medicine.

"If you must know, it was Agatha" Wanda says and me and y/n both gasp. That is a shocker. "What! I had no clue you liked them, that's insane. wait a minute, when did that happen because I was in your room for a good hour before I went downstairs" I say suspiciously.

She grits her teeth together and raises her eye brows, "they may or may not have been hiding in my closet when you came in" my mouth goes wide with shock. "WHAT?!?" This story just got a bunch more interesting.

"Wait wait so your telling me that you had someone in your closet as I poured my heart out to you about what happened!" I raise my voice as I speak. "I'm sorry nat" she whispers and gets back to cooking, there is a moment of silence before I hear y/n break down laughing.

"What's so funny" I ask her but she can't keep it together enough to form a sentence, she just keeps laughing. "I- I'm sorry, I just fine it so hilarious that she yelled at us for making out yet she was upstairs doing much worse than that" she says between fits of laughter.

"Both of you shut up because I can count at least 4 hickeys on both of you right now" Wanda says and we all go quite again. I turn around to walk to the fridge, and I see Peter sitting at the island with his mouth hung open. "Oh my god" I gasp and they both turn towards me.

Peter must have heard are whole conversation, he probably also saw half of Wanda's boobs because I pulled down her shirt to show the hickeys (which was consent-full and Wanda had no problem with). Poor kid is traumatized. 
"Oh Peter! How long have you been standing there?" Y/n asks and Peter just sits there in shock.

"Long enough" he says then runs away with his breakfast. I turn back towards y/n and Wanda. "Well looks like he won't be talking to any of us for a while, Tony's gonna kill us". Ironically, just as I say that tony comes into the room.

"Can someone please explain to me why Peter looks like her just witnessed a war" Tony says and looks between the three of us. I'm scared he'll look at y/n for too long and see the hickeys, I always forget that he's her sister so I'll be busted if he sees them. "Y/f/n why are there hickeys all over your neck!" He yells and points to her.

Ok I think I jinxed that, I scratch my head and slowly walk back over to the fridge to make myself look busy so he won't Suspect me. "Ah not so fast Romanoff!" He says and I scrunch my face together and spin back around towards him. "I see your hickeys too" he says.

I look at Wanda and give her pleading eyes hoping that she won't tell him what she walked in on last night. She smirks and my heart drops "well tony if you'd really like to know, I walked in on these two completely making out against the fridge" she says calmly and my face goes red.

Tonys face drops and I give Wanda a death stare. Wanda starts to walk out of the room but then stops for a second. "They also had their shirts off and If I didn't walk in, there would have been much more off than that" she says to tony then finally leaves. That woman really gets on my nerves sometimes.

"Really romanoff? You've known her for like a week and a half and you already tried to fuck her" tony says and we both cringe at his words. "It's not my fault, she was actually the one who went for it" I say and bring my hands up above my head.

"Hey! Stop throwing me under the bus!" Y/n raises her voice and looks at Tony. "Listen Tony, i'm a grown woman now. I can do what I want." She confidently says. "I get that, but why would you want to do it in my KiTcHeN" he says and his voice breaks.

"Oh boo who, your kitchen is fine Tony" I say and shake my head. "The reason Peter looks scared is because Wanda had a whole bunch of hickeys too so I pulled down her shirt to show them to y/n and Peter saw, I had no clue he was even there though!" I say In  defence.

"Poor kid was probably scared out of his mind at the sight of 'adult activity'" tony says and puts air quotes on "adult activity". Me and y/n both laugh before we quickly run out of the room to Safety. " i swear to god, if I ever see Wanda again I'm going to shave her head or something" y/n says and flops down onto her hospital bed.

"That's a horrible punishment, you must be so mad!" I say sarcastically and y/n lightly hits my arm. "I can't believe how worried tony was about his fridge, it's hilarious" I say and we both start laughing.

HEY EVERYONE!!! I am so so so sorry that I haven't written in a long time, I have been busy. I tired to write a longer chapter today so I hope you guys like it. I also hope you guys have an amazing holiday if you celebrate!!! Thank you sm for 32k reads!!! MAKE SURE TO EAT AND DRINK SOMETHING MY LOVES- juni <3 (I also chose Agatha for Wanda because no one else chose lmao)

That red head Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon