A lot of steps

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I can't believe I was able to make Natasha jealous. We all sit there in silence for a little bit until Wanda talks again. "Do you want me to get you some water sweetie?" I blush at the nickname then I reply "I can get it myself, I think you guys have already done enough".

Looking between them makes me smile because I am still new to the team so it makes me feel very loved knowing that people care about me. I don't know how they knew I was having a nightmare but I am very happy they found me when they did because it would have gotten a lot worse.

Wanda moves from my side so I can get up. I move my legs so they hang of the bed then I stretch my arms above my head being as I am still very tired. Natasha takes her phone out of her pocket and opens the Lock Screen. "It's about 3:45am. It is very late so make sure you go to bed after you get your water" she says with care in her voice.

I smile and nod my head in acknowledgment. I stand up from my bed and notice that Natasha had Gotten up from the bed and was behind me. They were teasing me earlier so it is my turn now. I walk out of the room and they both follow behind me.

We all lightly go down the steps that lead to the kitchen and dining room part of the house. Me and Natasha are definitely going to avoid the elevators after what happened yesterday. I am still not over that. " hey do you guys wanna take the elevator?" Wanda says sarcastically and raises her eyebrows at me and Natasha.

I just realized that they have seen my powers so know I can use it against them. I quickly send a blue wisp of power out towards Wanda which trips her and she falls flat on her butt.

Even though it is 3am me and Natasha don't even hesitate to laugh our asses off. We are both still laughing as Wanda gets up off the floor and shakes her head at us. "Ok I kinda deserve that but still you better not do that again" Wanda scolds me but you can tell she is trying to hold back her smile.

"You have to admit that was hilarious though" Natasha says as she is still trying to get her laugh to die down. Wanda nods her head then chuckles and we all continue to walk downstairs. I didn't seem to notice before but god damn stark has so many steps in this house.

After what feels like an hour of walking down the stairs I finally jump off the last step and look back at Wanda and Natasha behind me. "Why does he has so many steps it felt like I just got a work out done" I let out a big breath right in the middle of my sentence to prove how tired I am.

"He's rich so he can technically have as many stairs as he desires." Natasha says and Wanda nods her head in agreement. "Just because he can doesn't mean he should though" I say as I continue to walk down to the Kitchen for the water that has been taking way to long to get.

As we all enter the kitchen I look at the stove top to see that it is 3:46 am. I sigh and look around. Ok so I just realized that I have no idea where the cups are. We all stand there in silence until Wanda finally talks. "You don't know where the cups are do you?" She smirks and raises an eye brow.

I sadly nod my head and give an inaudible yes. She walks up to one of the cabinets and takes a glass cup down from the top shelf in the cabinet. After she send a smile my way she hands me my cup and I walk over to the water dispenser to fill it up. I press the button down for cold water and soon the cup fills up with the ice cold liquid.

As it's filling up I take a second to look at Natasha and Wanda who have both started a conversation with each other. They both are wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts. Wanda's hair is pulled up into a bun while Natasha's sits lightly on her shoulders. As I stare at them blush starts to rise to my cheeks.

"Um y/n are you ok there ?" Natasha asks with a slightly panicked look on her face. "Yeah why wouldn't I be" I ask and quickly take my eyes away from the girls. "Maybe because the water is over flowing the glass" Wanda points out and I look down to see the water rising up and out of the cup and on to the floor.

"Shit" i curse and stop pressing the button. I look down to see I am standing in a puddle of water and my socks are all wet (haha the worst feeling ever 😈). I hear both girls chuckle and I quickly lift the cup up to my lips and take a sip so it doesn't overflow again.

"Shut up its not funny". I chuckle mid sentence and walk over to the sink to get paper towels. "I'll help" Natasha buts in and grabs more paper towels as well. "Me too" Wanda says and we are all now on our hands and knees cleaning up the water on the floor.

The paper towels are soon all used up because of how much water was really on the ground so I lift my head up to grab more paper towels but turns out both me and Natasha had the same idea because the moment I lift my head she does to and we are so close that our noses touch. 

I let out a very fast breath and we both just sit there looking at each other. The tension is crazy. I now I shouldn't have but I can't help it when my eyes drift down to her lips and up to her eyes again. Her eyes are like traps, they are so captivating it's hard to look away.

"Ahem" Wanda fake coughs to get out attention. "Guys there is still a lot of water on the floor and it seems like I'm the only one trying to do something about it." Wanda whisper yells and it takes me be back to reality. I quietly gasp and quickly move my face away from Natasha's and I try to slow my breath.

I expected Natasha to do the same thing but instead she keeps her position and replaces her calm face with a teasing smirk that makes my stomach do flips. I shake my head to get all of the bad thoughts out of my brain and I go back over to the sink to get more paper towels.

HEYY EVERYONE!!! Im sorry this took a couple days to post, i have been on a greys anatomy binge watch week as I'm calling it 🤭. I hope you guys like this one. I am so so so extremely happy that this book hit 2k reads!!! That's so insane. thank you guys so much. REMEMBER TO EAT AND DRINK SOMETHING MY LOVES -juni <3

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