Gun powder

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What the hell is happening. I open my eyes to see I'm in what seems to be a jail cell? My heart rate goes up as I realize I'm trapped in the cells that are in the basement of the compound. I look around to see Clint standing outside of the bars.

"Omg Clint" I gasp. My heart rate starts to go back down to a normal pace once I see him. "Thank god I thought I was alone down here, what happened?" I ask and look at him. His facial expression comes off as harsh and angry.

My eye brows furrow and I walk closer to him. "Clint, what happened" I say it slower this time. I bring my hand up to touch the bars when I see something black on my left hand. Gun powder. I gasp and my face goes pale.

"How could you do this to her nat" Clint says through gritted teeth. My anxiety spikes at his tone. "I- I don't know what your talking about, is someone hurt?" My voice is shaky and my hearts races. He scoffs. "Are you really gonna try to lie your way out of this one" he looks me up and down while shaking his head.

I take a couple deep breathes so I can try to remember what happened. "Did she do something to you?" Clint asks but this time his voice is a little more tense. "Clint. I don't even know who your talking about. I don't think I hurt anyone" I am starting to get snarky now because I feel like I need to know some important information.

I sigh "I get that I am a killer spy assassin but you know I would never hurt anybody now, especially not someone I care about." I look up at him with slight tears in my eye. "Your unbelievable Natasha" he says hatefully and leaves the room quickly.

"No Clint please, don't leave me down here all alone." I whimper trying not to sound too pathetic. He knows that I absolutely hate being alone because it reminds me of my past. I am so confused and worried. One of my team members is hurt and no one is telling me anything.

I walk a couple inches so that I am against the back wall, I slide my body down it so I am sitting on the dirty floor. The only reason I'm on the floor is because I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack and if I do I don't want to be standing.

As I sit there my thoughts start to get worse. 'What if I did kill someone' I shake my head. I would never kill someone now. But what if I snapped. I read on the news that sometimes people just snap, I could have gone out of control.

The last thing I remember is making out with y/b then her running away to go catch Wanda. After that is all a blur. I look back down at the gun power on my left hand. Did I shoot someone? Just as I'm about to start thinking more terrible thoughts I hear the door creek open.

At first look I think it's Steve because the person appears to be tall but then one I get a closer look I can tell it's Wanda. I sigh knowing that she looks absolutely fucking pissed at me.
"Wanda you have to listen to me, I have literally no clue what's going on" I'm practically desperate for someone to believe me now.

"Save it" she snaps at me and tilts her head to the right. Oh fuck here we go. All of a sudden I am being lifted up into the air. "Wanda let me explain" I grunt out as I feel a grip tightening around my throat. The red wisps covering my body are making it really hard to communicate.

"Did you hurt her because she went after me. You probably snapped because you knew she would never love you as much as she will love me" Wanda growls at me and My breathing constricts even more. "I don't know what the fuck your talkin- I gasp- talking about." It's getting extremely hard to talk.

I try to wiggle my body to get away from her hold but she is just to powerful. She uses her other hand to push open the cell door. She walks closer to me, her face pulled with anger. "You are a liar!" (You are like papa) she screams and pushes me high up against the wall.

My eye brows pull together as I try to ignore the pain now shooting through my body. I groan and open my eyes to look at her. "Wanda please" I feel the air leaving my body. Wanda's smirk just seems to grow as she notices me losing all the  control I once had. "Wanda what the fuck!" Someone screams and she drops me.

I hit the ground really hard  and my head slams against the wall. I feel the blood start to drip from my nose and form the back of my head. My vision is blurry but I can still tell that Steve was the one who yelled at Wanda. "That is completely unacceptable!" He yells and cautiously walks over to me.

"I get that she could be dangerous but that gives you no right to hurt her." He says a lot calmer. (Btw guys Natasha kinda looks like how she did after getting kidnapped my ultron in aou). Steve walks until he is hovering above me and he gives me a hand. I am still trying to get my breathe back but I still grab his hand and let him stand me up on my feet.

"I didn't do anything" I whisper a lot weaker now. All self control gives out and I let the tears fall out of my eyes and onto my cheeks. I give up. No one believes me. "Ok nat I'm going to pick you up and take you up to my room so I can question you there" he says and looks at me calmly.

I nod my head and look back at Wanda who is still staring daggers at me. "I'm sorry Wanda, I don't know what I did but I'm still sorry" I say as I look at her.  Her face softens a bit but she doesn't say anything. I look back at Steve and he picks me up.

Just as my head moves I passed out because of how hard I hit it. I really need to know what happened here, because none of it is my fault. At least I don't think any of it was my fault.

Hey everyone!!! So I am not fully back from my little break yet but I did want to release a chapter because I felt like writing :). I hope everyone is doing amazing and I hope school is going well for you all. MAKE SURE TO EAT AND DRINK SOMETHING MY LOVES- juni <3

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