On purpose?!

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"You guys trapped us in an elevator on purpose!?" I scream at tony, Wanda and Bruce as they all stand there looking at me and Natasha. "What the hell you guys" Natasha reply's, just as angry as I am. "Ok in theory it sounded like a good plan but now that I am thinking about it I have to deal with an angry y/n and an angry Natasha so this was a bad idea" Wanda says as she puts together that she shouldn't have done it and that she majority just screwed up. "But I mean our plan did work" tony says.

"Well what was your plan" I ask still mad that they even had a plan in the first place. "Our plan was to get you guys to not hate each other by trapping you in an elevator." Bruce says as he looks at the ground. "Yea after I saw that nat just walked by us in the kitchen instead of helping you, I knew that I had to do something to fix it. So I got everything together and faked an elevator breakage" Wanda says nonchalantly with a smile on her face.

I take my eyes off of the group in front of me and look over at Natasha in pure shock that they really put this all together like it was an strategic plan. "Are you kidding me!" I spit. "I was having like an panic attack over there and you guys just decided to sit back and watch."
I snap at them as they all have shocked faces because they obviously didn't think We would be mad. "Yea that's kinda fucked up you guys" Nat hums in agreement.

"Ok in our defense, we could not deal with the fight any longer and the tension was insane." Tony says. I look up at all of them for a final time then I push Wanda aside and storm out of the elevator and down the hall. "See look what you guys did" Natasha says annoyed and pushes past them to chase after me. "Oh now you care" Bruce mumbles not expecting Natasha to hear him.

"I will destroy your whole science lab in your sleep." Natasha yells from down the hall and Bruce's face drops. They all are now awkwardly looking at the ground then at each other waiting for someone to break the silence. "Ok that's the last time we trust Wanda with a plan" tony declares as he turns to walk away but Wanda trips him with her powers and he falls on his face.

"No that's the last time you trust me with your ability to walk" Wanda says with a smirk on her face then walks down the hallway to see where me and Natasha ran off to. She jogs down to the kitchen just to see that it's empty. "Y/n, Natasha where are you?" Wanda lightly yells as she walks from the kitchen to the dinning room then then the living room and still nothing. "Guys where are you" she says as she turns a corner then "BOO"

me and Natasha scream at Wanda to scare her but are majorly surprised when a big red wisp shoots out and throws me and Natasha flying against the nearest wall which knocks the wind out of both of us. "Omg y/n, Natasha!" Wanda yells and she runs over to us. "Uhh that fucking hurt" I groan and bring my hand down to my back. "Oh shit guys I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you." Wanda panics and goes to make sure we are ok.

"Ok y/n that's the last time we try to scare Wanda. Especially when she's on edge" Natasha groans from beside me as we both lay there in pain. "Jesus Wanda, what did you do to them?" Tony yelps from behind Wanda. "She threw us against a fucking wall" Natasha mumbles. "You did what?!" Bruce ask with pure concern in his voice. " I didn't mean to. I though they were like intruders or something so I used my powers to hit them against the wall" Wanda says guiltily.

I slowly start to get back up to my feet and catch my breath as I look down at Natasha and offer her my hand to help her get up. A light blush covers her face and Natasha takes my hand without another word said and jumps up. "Are you guys ok or do I need to bring you down to my lab." Bruce asks as he looks at us. "I'll be fine but it will probably bruise." I say and look over at nat. " are you ok?" I look into her green eyes and wait for an answer.

"Yeah I'm fine. But I do think this means that Wanda owes us a couple of favors to 'make sure we feel better'"Natasha says with a thick smirk on her face and her eyes shift to a manipulative manner. "Uh like what" Wanda sighs knowing that Natasha will probably have more then one thing to ask her. "Maybe like you taking me and y/n to barns and noble to get knew books" Natasha says slyly. "Oh that doesn't seem to bad" Wanda let's out a breath.

"But the catch is that you can't get a single thing" Natasha says with a very mean smirk on her face. Me, Natasha and Wanda are all big readers from what I have gathered so far, meaning that it will be almost impossible for Wanda to successfully walk in to barns and noble and not buy anything.

We both know immediately know that we made the right decision because Wanda's face drops and she opens her mouth. "You cruel, cruel people" Wanda says with a scrunched face and looks between me and Natasha, I have the same smirk written across my face. "Hey we don't make the rules so it ain't our fault." I say as I look at her with my eye brows raised.

"Uhh fine let's go then. But you guys can't spend hours in there because I won't be able to control myself with all of those wonderful books." Wanda says with a sigh at the end of her sentence. "You threw us against a very hard wall so I think we deserve to be in that store as long as we please" I say with an attitude.

When I was young my parents always got mad at me for having an attitude with them so I know that I am an adult a can use it against other people quite often. "Ok whatever let's just get this over with." Me and Natasha squeal like little kids and run over to get our shows on.
"Damn Wanda they really put you in your place" tony pops into the conversation.

"Oh shut up stark at least I can keep a relationship" Wanda snaps and then walks to get her shoes on as well, which leaves tony speechless and embarrassed as his face turns a shade of bright red. I look over at Wanda and she winks at me, I can't ignore the butterflies that go through my stomach at the action and my face flushes red. This is gonna be a really long day.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while!! I honestly totally forgot about this till about an hour ago and so I ran here to start writing (so this might suck). Make sure to let me know in the comments if you guys have any ideas or questions. MAKE SURE TO EAT AND DRINK SOMETHING MY LOVES.❤️❤️❤️❤️

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