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The kiss was bruising. It was full of love and passion, it was like an explosion went off in my body the moment her lips connected with mine.

The feel of her soft lips on mine is enough to cloud my brain and make my knees weak. Thank god she is holding my Waist or I would've collapsed by now. My hands are now roaming her back and neck as she kisses me with pure love.

I slightly moan Into the kiss as she bites down onto my bottom lip harshly. God this woman will be the death of me. I think the whole time I spent with Natasha was me figuring out that I loved her. We are now breathlessly kissing each other and my hands are resting on her ass.

We both need a slight break to catch the air back into our lungs so Natasha slowly starts to move her lips down my jaw. She sucks lightly on the skin of my jaw and I gasp at the motion.

All I can think about right now is Natasha. I don't even care about that fact that I am pressed up against a main compound wall and that anyone could walk by and see us. My brain is just flooded with thoughts about Natasha and the wonderful things her lips are doing to by body.

Next thing I know her lips are attacking my neck and sucking deep marks Into the skin. I am now lightly moaning which tends to egg Natasha on farther because she slides her knee up between my legs. The soft moan I was about to release turns into a loud gasp at the sudden contact.

"Nat" I gasp and throw my head back so it hits the wall. At this point I am beyond flustered and I am just trying to keep whatever cool I have left in me. "What's wrong darling" she whispers into the shell of my ear which makes me who body shudder.

I don't even have it in me to answer. The only  things that are coming out of my mouth are moans and whimpers. Natasha still has her knee pressed up against me but now she is slowing putting more pressure on me.

More whimpers come out of my mouth at the action and she just smirks. I can't tell if I love it hate her smirks, if she is smirking then it means something is about to happen that is most likely not good. (Even tho the smirks are always very attractive).

"You like that don't you pretty girl" she whispers.  if words could kill then I'd be dead by now.  Her comment only makes me more flustered and she can tell. "Wow hunny, all I did was kiss you and now you can't even see straight" Natasha took down her knee and steps back a tiny bit so she is looking over me.

I am standing against the wall panting because that woman took all of my breath away in a second. "Cats got your tongue?" She asks and that kills me even more. "In my defense you have a very talented tongue" I tell her while I am trying to catch my breath.

She comes closer so she is against me and her mouth is near my ear. All I can smell is her fruity shampoo and it makes me go crazy. "Well then maybe you'd like to see what else I could do with this tongue" my face turns bright red and my body goes still.

She pulls back and smirks again. Next thing I know her lips are connected to mine again. We kiss with even more passion this time and I am pulling her in closer by the waist. Her body is pressed up against mine. Everything is perfect. Until.....

"Y/n" says a voice from in front of us and we both turn around. Oh no. We both look to see who it was and it's Wanda. She looks at me with just pure pain in her eyes. She looks disappointed. Me and Natasha are both just standing there in shock.

"Wanda" I shudder. It's all I can say. I can tell that her eyes are starting to tear up and I hate seeing her this hurt. "No" she gasps and looks between me and Natasha. "God no" is all she says before she runs off. I quickly look at Natasha to see what I should do and she simply just nods. With that I dart after Wanda.

I run down the compound stairs and through the kitchen. It looks like Wanda ran outside so that's where I go. Before I walk out the door I see that it's pouring rain so I grab the umbrella from beside the door.

I push the door open and run to chase Wanda who is running along the big fields in the side yard. "Wanda" I yell to try to get her attention but she doesn't even look back at me. Oh god, what have I done.

hey everyone!!! I'm sorry I left you on a cliff hanger last chapter but hopefully this one makes up for it. I had sooo much fun writing the kiss scene and I am excited to write more in the future. Also I am excited to write about all the drama that is now going on with Wanda. MAKE SURE TO EAT AND DRINK SOMETHING MY LOVES- juni <3

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